Supercell’s Squad Busters sees overhauls and improvements in second beta

Supercell, the famous mobile game developer, announced Squad Busters several months ago as a game that would bring together characters from different titles in their IP library, such as Clash of Clans, Brawl Stars, and Boom Beach, among others. The game was initially tested in Canada, but it has since undergone its second beta testing stage in Spain, Canada, and Mexico.

Improvements Made

Supercell has added several enhancements to the game since the last beta testing stage was completed, including the introduction of the reroll mechanic, allowing players to use consumable items to reroll their choices and obtain different batches of characters. Additionally, a merging mechanism has been added, where players get a stronger version of a character when they obtain three copies of the same character.

According to, the new beta included an abundance of in-game currencies such as orbs, coins, experience, diamonds, and tickets. In Gem Hunt mode, ten players could earn coins by defeating monsters and cutting trees, and when they come into contact with other players, they could steal coins and gems.

The progression system in the game is quite similar to Brawl Stars’; fixed rewards are provided at certain milestones, and a battle pass track provides more rewards as the player levels up. Additionally, there are various characters that can be unlocked or purchased in each world of the game, and all of them can reach level 7 since the second beta.

Supercell celebrated the tenth anniversary of Clash of Clans in 2022, but it remains to be seen whether Squad Busters will advance beyond the soft launch stage.