Don’t Starve Together – How Long Does the Winter Last?

How Long Does Winter Last in Don’t Starve Together?

Surviving the harsh winter in Don’t Starve Together can be a real challenge. Freezing temperatures threaten your character’s life, while plant growth comes to a halt.

If you’re struggling to cope with winter, it’s essential to not only learn how to survive but also understand how long the winter season lasts in Don’t Starve Together.

The Duration of Winter

In Don’t Starve Together, the winter season lasts a total of 15 days. The first winter begins on day 21 and lasts until day 35. After that, it repeats every 70 days.

Table of Contents

How Long Does Winter Last in Don’t Starve Together

Surviving the harsh winter in Don’t Starve Together can be a real challenge. Freezing temperatures threaten your character’s life, while plant growth comes to a halt.

Fortunately, the game understands its players well.

Don’t Starve Together is divided into four seasons: Autumn, Winter, Spring, and Summer. By default, the game begins with the Autumn season, making Winter the players’ first major challenge as they must learn the game mechanics and gather enough resources to survive the harsh conditions.

Since a default year in Don’t Starve Together consists of 70 days, we can easily calculate when the Winter season will occur:

  • The second Winter: Day 91 to 105
  • The third Winter: Day 161 to 175
  • The fourth Winter: Day 231 to 245
  • And so on!

Please note that the duration and timing of Winter may vary significantly depending on your server settings.

Don’t Starve Together offers five different options for season settings: very short, short, default, long, and very long. These settings determine the duration of Winter:

  • Very Short: 5 days.
  • Short: 10 days.
  • Default: 15 days.
  • Long: 22 days.
  • Very Long: 40 days.

For your convenience, we have provided a table below that outlines the specific duration of each season setting:

Winter #Very ShortShortDefaultLongVery Long

Additionally, due to certain coding algorithms, it’s possible for a season to last one extra day longer than usual. This results in a shift in the in-game date count, consequently altering the start and end dates of Winter.

That’s how long Winter lasts in Don’t Starve Together!

If you have any suggestions for this guide, feel free to let us know in the comments section below.