How to get the ISO 45 SMG in MW2, Warzone and DMZ

How to Acquire the ISO 45 SMG in MW2, Warzone, and DMZ

Image by PC Invasion

The ISO 45 SMG has recently been introduced as a new weapon in MW2 and Warzone, and players are already considering it as a potential game-changer. SMGs have always excelled in close to mid-range combat, and the ISO 45 is proving to be a strong contender in the meta. If you’re interested in trying it out, I’ll guide you through the process of obtaining the ISO 45 SMG in MW2, Warzone, and DMZ.

Although unrelated to the ISO Hemlock AR, combining both weapons in your loadout creates a versatile setup capable of handling any situation. If you haven’t built this loadout yet, I recommend checking our guide on the best attachments for it.

Unlocking the ISO 45 SMG

Unlike certain weapons that have questionable unlock requirements, acquiring the ISO 45 SMG doesn’t require players to make any additional purchases or investments. Simply reach sector D4 of the Battle Pass to unlock the weapon. The ISO 45 SMG is part of the standard Pass, meaning you can earn it without spending real money. All you need to do is play the game extensively. However, there are a few ways to expedite the process.

Fastest Method to Obtain the ISO 45 SMG

First and foremost, it’s crucial to turn off the ‘Auto Unlock’ option. This is important because leaving it on will result in the sectors unlocking in an unpredictable order, potentially taking weeks or even months to reach sector D4, where the ISO 45 SMG is unlocked. Once you’ve acquired this highly sought-after reward, you can enable Auto Unlock and earn the rest of the Battle Pass items naturally.

Earning experience points (EXP) at a decent rate can be achieved by playing as many matches as possible. In DMZ, you’ll typically earn the highest EXP yield by prioritizing the elimination of AI soldiers. Although it may not be as entertaining, if your main goal is advancing through the Battle Pass, I recommend avoiding engagements with real players and focusing on taking down bots. Engaging in bot battles will consistently net you more EXP compared to engaging real players.

Obtaining the ISO 45 SMG Through Alternative Means

How to get the ISO 45 SMG in MW2, Warzone and DMZ

Image by PC Invasion

If you’re looking to acquire the ISO 45 SMG without grinding through Battle Pass levels, there is an option to purchase it prebuilt as part of a bundle in the shop. The ‘Cyber Riot 2 Tracer Pack’ includes the ISO 45 SMG, the ‘Black Hat’ variant of the weapon, a charm, a loading screen, and an emblem. Although you can customize the gun according to your preferences, you’ll still need to unlock other attachments through gameplay.

Navigating the shop can be a bit overwhelming, so the quickest way to find the right pack is by accessing your weapons tab. From there, scroll through your SMGs, and you’ll find the ISO 45 SMG at the end of the list. Press the ‘Store’ button beneath it, and you’ll be directed straight to the correct pack in the shop.