Everybody 1-2-Switch will be hosted by a horse named MC Horace

A Cartoon Horse Head Takes the Reins in the Sequel to 1-2-Switch

A sequel to the popular Nintendo Switch launch title 1-2-Switch has recently been announced, and fans have already noticed the game’s unique host: a man with a cartoon horse head. This quirky character has now been revealed to be MC Horace.

Leaked box art for the upcoming game, called Everybody 1-2-Switch, provides more insight into this bizarre host. One quote on the back of the box says, “Hay – I’ll take the reins and be your host!” capturing the whimsical nature of the game.

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In addition to the host’s identity, the leaked box art reveals other details about Everybody 1-2-Switch. The party game will allow up to eight players to participate using Joy-Con controllers, or even up to 100 players using smartphones.

Screenshots of the minigames included in the sequel showcase a variety of fun activities, such as dancing aliens, battling samurai, counting scoops of ice cream, and a simple quiz about the months of the year.

The original 1-2-Switch was praised for its ability to demonstrate the unique capabilities of the Joy-Con controllers, including motion controls and HD rumble. Eurogamer described it as “a characteristically imaginative minigame suite that lays out the possibilities of Nintendo’s new console, without feeling like a guidebook.” Now, years later, Everybody 1-2-Switch introduces a new defining feature: a host wearing a horse mask.