Naraka: Bladepoint Coming To PS5, Switching To Free-To-Play Across All Platforms

Exciting news for fans of the melee-focused battle royale game Naraka: Bladepoint! After its initial release on PC in August 2021, followed by a launch on Xbox 10 months later, the game is now set to arrive on PlayStation 5 on July 13. And that’s not all – Naraka: Bladepoint will also become free-to-play on the same day for all platforms, marking a major milestone for the game.

The announcements were made during a recent livestream event called Naraka Fest, which not only celebrated the game’s upcoming second anniversary but also highlighted its impressive player base of over 20 million unique players. Alongside the transition to a free-to-play model, Naraka: Bladepoint will also introduce cross-platform play across all formats, including the new PlayStation 5 version.

Naraka: Bladepoint

Existing players who purchased Naraka: Bladepoint prior to the free-to-play transition will receive in-game gold equivalent to the edition they own. Additionally, players who acquired the game through Xbox Game Pass will be automatically upgraded to the Ultimate Edition.

But that’s not all that Naraka Fest had in store for fans. The event also revealed several upcoming features that players can look forward to in the coming months, including:

  • Capture the Spirit Well: A thrilling 12v12 PvP mode where players must strategically capture specific areas on the map to earn valuable points.
  • New Weapon: Dual Halberds: A powerful and versatile weapon type that combines a spear and a dagger, allowing players to launch long-range stabs and devastating horizontal swings. It can even disable opponents’ weapons in certain situations.
  • New Hero: Tessa: Joining the roster of playable heroes is Tessa, a formidable “1000-year-old fox demon” who possesses the unique ability to charm enemies and capture their souls.
  • PlayStation 5 Player Exclusive Items: PlayStation 5 players will have access to exclusive in-game items, giving them an extra edge on the battlefield.
  • Anniversary In-Game Events and Rewards: To celebrate the game’s anniversary, special in-game events and rewards will be available to all players.

If you’ve been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Naraka: Bladepoint on PlayStation 5 or have yet to experience the epic battles in this action-packed game, mark your calendars for July 13. Naraka: Bladepoint is currently available on Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC, and the free-to-play version, alongside the PlayStation 5 release, will be launching on that day.