Destiny 2 Solstice Guide: How To Get Silver Leaves, Upgrade Armor, And More

Solstice 2023: A Time to Celebrate in Destiny 2

The annual Solstice event has arrived in Destiny 2, bringing a cheerful mood to the Tower as players celebrate their triumphs and enjoy new content. This year, Solstice offers unique armor rolls, a new rocket launcher, and exciting changes to the gameplay. Find out how to make the most of your Solstice experience, upgrade your armor sets, and why team play is emphasized this year.

Solstice 2023 Dates

Solstice runs from July 18 to August 8, giving players plenty of time to participate in the event.

Earning Silver Leaves, Kindling, and Silver Ash

The highlight of Solstice is the opportunity to craft armor with customized rolls. To do this, players must earn Silver Leaves from various Destiny 2 activities and then transform them into Silver Ash in Bonfire Bash activities. The resources needed for upgrading Armor are:

  • Kindling – Earned by completing Solstice Event challenges, used to upgrade armor stat roll potential
  • Silver Leaves – Earned by completing activities throughout the game
  • Silver Ash – Obtained by completing Bonfire Bash activities or Solstice challenges, transforms Silver Leaves into Silver Ash

Upgrading Solstice Armor

When upgrading Solstice armor, keep in mind that the changes are permanent and apply to all Solstice pieces for that specific armor slot. However, the upgrades only apply to the current class, so the process needs to be repeated for each class – Hunter, Warlock, or Titan. To upgrade, go to your character menu, select the Solstice armor, and use Silver Ash in the Solstice Embers mod slot to reroll stats and focus on a specific attribute.

Explore the European Aerial Zone (EAZ)

The EAZ can be accessed from the game director, within the Tower. It’s a match-made activity, where players join with two others to explore the floating islands and wide-open arenas. Verticality plays a significant role, so equip Guardian with skills for navigation or learn the locations of jump pads. This allows quick access to rooftops teeming with enemies.

Bonfire Bash and Solstice Buffs

In Bonfire Bash, the main objective is to stoke the bonfire in the center of the EAZ. Special Ignition Carrier enemies spawn alongside other foes, and defeating them drops orbs that must be thrown into the bonfire before they expire. Teamwork is crucial to collect all the orbs and maximize rewards. This year, there are two exclusive event buffs: Firebound, which boosts recovery and Super regeneration when near a fireteam member, and Flare, causing damaging waves of energy upon defeating enemies.

Solstice Event Card Challenges

To make progress and earn rewards, players must complete various challenges throughout the event. These challenges range from defeating specific enemies to completing activities in different game modes. Keep an eye on the Event Card and its rewards, as they may require meeting certain objectives.

How to Make Your Solstice Armor Glow

Upgraded Solstice armor pieces with Kindling will have a glowing effect. Players can also purchase glow effects from the Eververse store using in-game currency.

Earn the Flamekeeper Seal and Title

This year’s Solstice is the only opportunity to earn the Flamekeeper title. To achieve this, players must complete all triumphs listed on the seal. Additional objectives will gild the seal and further showcase accomplishments.

Enjoy the Solstice event in Destiny 2 and make the most of the unique armor rolls, new rocket launcher, and thrilling gameplay changes it brings. Team up with others, collect resources, and upgrade your armor sets to shine brightly in this annual celebration!