Remnant 2 has a secret class its developer deliberately hid for dataminers to find

Remnant 2 Unlocks Secret Archetype: The Archon

The highly acclaimed game Remnant 2 has not only received positive reviews, but it is also selling well. Developer Gunfire Games has recently revealed a secret class, known as the Archon, which was hidden for dataminers to discover. Unlocking this elusive class requires players to follow a complex series of steps, including activating specific skills on certain Archetypes, equipping specific gear, and visiting a particular location. These requirements are not something that players would stumble upon accidentally, as Gunfire Games intentionally designed the Archon class to be discovered only by dataminers.

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The principal designer of Remnant 2, Ben Cureton, did not shy away from the fact that the Archon class was meant to be found by dataminers. Cureton kickstarted the hunt for the Archon with a cryptic clue shared through a tweet. He stated, “To unlock the Archon, one must penetrate the code itself.” Cureton further explained, “We knew we couldn’t stop datamining, so we leaned into it and created an entire Archetype that could be shared with the community once revealed by those with the ability to see between worlds.”

The Archon’s secrets were ultimately unearthed by a new dataminer named Oliver Nikolic, allowing all players to repeat the intricate process required to unlock this hidden class.

To obtain the Archon archetype, players need to use the Invader archetype at level 5 or above with the Wormhole skill activated, along with the Explorer archetype at level 10 or above with Fortune Hunter activated.

Once the necessary archetypes are in place, players must equip specific weapons and gear, such as the Cube Gun, Ford’s Scattergun, Labyrinth Staff, Realmwalker armor, Leto’s Amulet, and Void Heart relic. Additionally, players must obtain four specific rings: Anastija’s Inspiration, Amber Moonstone, Black Cat Band, and Zania’s Malice.

With all the required equipment in hand, players must then locate the corrupted door in the Labyrinth, accessed through the portal near the Fractured Ingress World Stone. Opening the door using the Biome Portal Key will lead players to the maze-like Backrooms, where they must search for the Strange Box. Once found, the Strange Box should be given to Wallace at the Ward 13 docks. Finally, the powerful Archon archetype will become available.

In conclusion, the addition of the Archon archetype is another exciting feature in Remnant 2. Eurogamer contributor Vikki Blake, who already praised the game in her 4/5 review, described the sequel as “an ambitious sequel stuffed with delightful – and deadly – surprises.” She added, “All I want to do is get back in there and explore… and that can only be a good sign, right?”