Best Wizard subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3, ranked (BG3)

Choosing the Best Wizard Subclass in Baldur’s Gate 3

Wizards in Baldur’s Gate 3 have a unique advantage of choosing from eight different subclass options starting from level two. This plethora of options can provide a challenge when it comes to picking the perfect Wizard subclass. However, fear not! This guide aims to assist you in deciding which subclass is best suited for your playstyle in Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s important to note that there is no unequivocally “best” subclass, as personal preference and party composition play significant roles. Nonetheless, our guide will provide insights into the different Wizard subclasses to help you make an informed decision.

Available Wizard Subclasses in Baldur’s Gate 3

Wizards in Baldur’s Gate 3 can choose from the following eight subclasses:

  1. Evocation
  2. Conjuration
  3. Necromancy
  4. Abjuration
  5. Enchantment
  6. Divination
  7. Illusion
  8. Transmutation

While every Wizard subclass offers unique advantages, I believe Evocation stands out as the best option due to its focus on high-damage spells. However, it’s important to choose a subclass based on your personal preferences. Let’s delve into each subclass, providing an overview of their strengths and playstyles.


Evocation is ideal for players who enjoy staying in the backline, casting devastating spells upon their enemies. Here’s what the Evocation subclass unlocks as you level up:

  • Evocation Savant (Level 2) – Learning Evocation spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Sculpt Spells (Level 2) – Allies within the area of Evocation spells automatically succeed their Saving Throws and take no damage.
  • Potent Cantrip (Level 6) – When a creature succeeds its Saving Throw against one of your cantrips, they still take half damage but suffer no additional effects.
  • Empowered Evocation (Level 10) – Add your Intelligence modifier to damage rolls with all Evocation spells.


The Necromancy subclass offers a darker playstyle, focusing on summoning undead minions and dealing Necromancy damage. Here are the bonuses you unlock as a Necromancer:

  • Necromancy Savant (Level 2) – Learning Necromancy spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Grim Harvest (Level 2) – Once per turn, if you kill an enemy with a spell, gain HP equal to twice the spell slot level used (three times when using a Necromancy spell).
  • Undead Thralls: Additional Undead (Level 6) – Raise an additional corpse when you Animate Dead.
  • Undead Thralls: Better Summons (Level 6) – Animate Dead creatures have additional HP equal to your Wizard level, and your proficiency bonus is added to their attacks.
  • Animate Dead (Level 6) – Permanently learn Animate Dead, allowing you to create an animated minion from a corpse.
  • Inured to Undeath (Level 10) – Become resistant to Necrotic damage, and your maximum HP cannot be reduced.


The Conjuration subclass grants access to spells that center around creating elements and manipulating space. Here’s what you gain by choosing the Conjuration subclass:

  • Conjuration Savant (Level 2) – Learning Conjuration spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Minor Conjuration: Create Water (Level 2) – Permanently learn Create Water.
  • Benign Transposition: Teleport (Level 6) – Permanently learn Benign Transposition, which allows you to teleport or swap places with an ally.
  • Focused Conjuration (Level 10) – Taking damage while concentrating on a Conjuration spell doesn’t break your concentration.


If you prefer a support role, the Abjuration subclass is an excellent choice. Here are the bonuses you’ll receive by selecting the Abjuration subclass:

  • Abjuration Savant (Level 2) – Learning Abjuration spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Arcane Ward (Level 2) – Your Arcane Ward blocks damage equal to its charges. Casting Abjuration spells increases the charges by the spell’s level.
  • Projected Ward (Level 6) – Sacrifice your Arcane Ward to reduce the damage taken by a nearby ally.
  • Improved Abjuration (Level 10) – After a Short Rest, the intensity of your Arcane Ward increases by an amount equal to your Wizard level.


The Enchantment subclass focuses on charming enemies and debuffing them to support your team. Here’s what the Enchantment subclass offers:

  • Enchantment Savant (Level 2) – Learning Enchantment spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Hypnotic Gaze (Level 2) – Permanently learn Hypnotic Gaze, which charms a creature to not attack or act. A Wisdom Saving Throw is required to resist this effect.
  • Instinctive Charm (Level 6) – Charm an enemy attacking you, prompting them to target a new entity as a reaction if possible.
  • Split Enchantment (Level 10) – Target two creatures with Enchantment spells.


If you’re interested in channeling divine energy, the Divination subclass is an intriguing option. Here’s an overview of the Divination subclass:

  • Divination Savant (Level 2) – Learning Divination spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Portent (Level 2) – Gain two random Portent Dice after each Long Rest. Use these dice to change the outcomes of Attack Rolls or Saving Throws nearby.
  • Expert Divination (Level 6) – Gain an extra Portent Die and recharge your Portent Dice on Short Rests.
  • Third Eye: Darkvision (Level 10) – Permanently learn the ability to gain Darkvision.
  • Third Eye: Invisibility (Level 10) – Permanently learn the ability to see Invisible targets.


The Illusion subclass serves as an excellent choice for those who enjoy stealthy spells and potentially multiclassing as a Rogue. Here’s an overview of the Illusion subclass:

  • Illusion Savant (Level 2) – Learning Illusion spells from scrolls now costs 25 gold instead of 50.
  • Improved Minor Illusion (Level 2) – Cast Minor Illusion as a bonus action, remaining hidden even if silenced.
  • See Invisibility (Level 6) – Permanently learn the spell See Invisibility.
  • Illusory Self (Level 10) – Use your reaction when attacked to cast Mirror Image, creating duplicates to confuse your enemies.

Remember, from best to worst, the Wizard subclasses I recommend are: Evocation, Necromancy, Conjuration, Abjuration, Enchantment, Divination, Illusion, and Transmutation. However, don’t be afraid to experiment and respec if you feel like you’ve made the wrong choice. Simply choose a different class, then pick Wizard again to start at level one and respec accordingly.