Goalscorer – the football world’s inclusive strategy game | Pocket Gamer.biz

Interview with Paul Carpenter, Creator of Goalscorer: The Inclusive Strategy Game

Paul Carpenter is the mastermind behind Goalscorer, a unique football game that combines strategy and “speed chess” mechanics. In an interview with PocketGamer.biz, he shares his vision for creating an inclusive football-themed game that appeals to a wide range of players.

What Makes Goalscorer Different?

When asked about what sets Goalscorer apart from traditional football games, Carpenter explains that the game is based on a custom strategy game template called “Your Strategy Game.” It’s like playing speed chess with a football twist. The game mechanics provide a fresh and engaging experience for players.

Target Audience and Development

Goalscorer is aimed at competitive casual gamers, particularly those over the age of 30 with an interest in football. Carpenter developed the game to cater to an older audience that often feels excluded from competitive games dominated by younger players. In terms of the development team, Carpenter and one programmer work part-time on the project. They also have support from Carpenter’s daughter, who has promotional experience, and collaborate with other marketing agencies.

Challenges Faced and Current Stage

Carpenter acknowledges that convincing game publishers to recognize the market for older casual gamers has been a significant hurdle. Most publishers focus on hypercasual games, while Goalscorer offers a different experience. While the game is skill-based, there’s also an element of chance, allowing less experienced players to win against more experienced ones. Currently, Goalscorer has been soft-launched in two versions: Goalscorer Training Edition and Goalscorer Tournament. Carpenter and his team are continuously improving the game, incorporating user feedback, and working towards the final version, Goalscorer Premier.

The Future of Goalscorer

Carpenter’s goals for the game include partnering with a game publisher or intelligent investor to develop the game further. He envisions different versions of the game based on various themes, not just limited to football. Carpenter also wants to explore the potential of the Star Player feature in the game, considering limited edition Star Players and customization options for football teams and other companies. Ultimately, his aim is to deliver an ultimate “chess-like” gaming experience that appeals to casual gamers of all ages.

The Story Behind The Founder

Carpenter reveals that the cartoon character seen on screens within the game is called The Founder, an alien character from a race that values inclusivity. The Founder represents the inclusive nature of Goalscorer and adds a unique touch to the game.

Players can try out Goalscorer Training Edition for free on mobile through the App Store and Google Play.