The Top 50 Mobile Game Makers of 2023 | Pocket

A Look at the Top 50 Mobile Game Makers of 2023

A year can feel like a very short time in the world of mobile and to prove that point perfectly it’s time to celebrate 2023’s Top 50 Mobile Game Makers… Already!

Nothing moves faster, attracts more players and talent, or makes more money than mobile and 2023 has once again delivered the goods: both in terms of the amazing new properties and ventures created in the past 12 months, and in cementing mobile’s place as the number one location for gaming’s most innovative creators.

It has been a tough year on several fronts (*cough* thanks again, Apple!). Belts have tightened, major studios have undergone huge upheavals as both global politics and app store policies exerted new pressures and influence on our burgeoning global entertainment industry. Pandemic highs gave way to new normal ‘realignments’ and a focus on sound financials and long term prospects replaced the fervour for easy wins or more speculative punts. It’s been a time for consolidating. Looking closely at what’s working and directing energy to where it can be most effective.

But the energy, intent, creativity and sheer power of will present in the mobile community continues unabated. All around us there are exciting new projects, new technologies, new business models and commercial channels in which to deliver great new products to players and new ways to find new customers and win market share.

And the quality of what’s been made all around us, all over the world, only ever gets better and better.

And that’s what we’re celebrating here, a year’s worth of work from our Top 50 Mobile Game Makers. Our experts have deep dived the facts and figures and pulled out 50 of the world’s hottest companies. Everyone on board isn’t just smashing it right now, but – we predict – has the power to achieve even greater success in the year ahead.

We may have missed a few good souls (in fact, we know there are plenty more we wanted in), we may even have made the odd mistake – heck we are not (yet) an AI-powered Borg collective! But, ultimately, we’ve done our best to pick the best of the best. These are the companies that are leading the conversation right now and will set the tone for mobile in the year to come.

And we can’t wait to see what’s next!

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