Why does everyone swear so much in The Witcher 3?

Heading: The Witcher 3: The Beauty of Foul-Mouthed Inhabitants

There’s something special about traversing the world of The Witcher 3 and interacting with its colorful locals. From the guards who scold you with insults to the villagers who fart and giggle as they pass, the game is full of crude and hilarious dialogue that adds a unique charm to the experience. It’s this aspect of the game that has captivated players like myself for years and continues to bring a smile to my face every time I play. But how did this foul-mouthed phenomenon come to be? Who’s responsible for all the filth? I set out to uncover the truth.

Heading: The Man Behind the Dialogue

When I approached CD Projekt Red to solve the mystery, one name stood out: Przemysław Sawicki. Although now working on Cyberpunk 2077, Sawicki was hired specifically to write the witty and vulgar lines in The Witcher 3. In fact, he was even required to pass an exam that involved writing for drunkards and children before he got the job. His role in the Blood & Wine expansion made him responsible for 80% of the dialogue in the game.

Heading: Filling the Empty Spaces

CD Projekt Red had never developed an open-world game before The Witcher 3, so the Living World team, where Sawicki worked, had a crucial task at hand – to make the game’s world believable and immersive. They were tasked with filling the gaps between main quests with content that would prevent players from feeling bored and remind them that it’s not just a game.

Heading: The Range of Inputs

To achieve this, the team created a range of “inputs” that dictated how characters would respond to the player. These inputs included greetings, bumping into someone, walking close to someone, and actively interacting with a character. Every tertiary character in the game would have a response to each of these inputs, ensuring a lively and dynamic world. The sheer number of greetings triggered simultaneously when fast-traveling to Novigrad is a testament to the team’s hard work.

Heading: From Medieval to Cyberpunk

While The Witcher 3 relied heavily on dialogue to create its immersive world, Cyberpunk 2077 took a different approach due to its urban setting and larger scale. Here, the story team handled the dialogue, and the focus was on building atmosphere through other means such as ambient sounds and music. Additionally, the historical time-period influenced the use of foul language in The Witcher 3, while in Cyberpunk, being a regular citizen removed the need for reactions to the player’s actions.

Heading: The Inspiration Behind the Words

So where did Sawicki find inspiration for all the colorful dialogue he wrote for The Witcher 3? The answer is simple – real-life. He carried a small notepad everywhere he went and jotted down funny and interesting statements he heard from people in various social settings. This real-world inspiration gave the game’s dialogue a relatable and authentic feel.

While the foul-mouthed inhabitants of The Witcher 3 may not be for everyone, they undeniably hold a special place in the hearts of many players. The dedication and creativity of the team behind the game shine through in every insult and giggle, making the world of The Witcher 3 a truly unforgettable experience.