Xbox Insider Release Notes – Alpha Skip-Ahead (2408.230924-2000)

Xbox Update Preview for Alpha Skip-Ahead Insiders

Hello Xbox Insiders! We have an exciting Xbox Update Preview for you in the Alpha Skip-Ahead ring. While some of the updates in this preview may not have noticeable changes to the UI, they are important for maintaining a high-quality and stable build for Xbox consoles. We want to keep you informed about updates coming to your device, so here are the details:

System Update Details:

  • OS version released: RS_XBOX_DEV_FLIGHT25959.1005.230924-2000
  • Available: 5 p.m. PT – September 25, 2023
  • Mandatory: 3 a.m. PT – September 26, 2023

Fixes Implemented

We’re pleased to announce that the following fixes have been implemented in this build, thanks to the hard work of our Xbox engineers:


  • Fixed an issue where the console could shut down unexpectedly when playing certain titles.
  • Various updates to properly reflect local languages across the console.
    • Note: Users participating in Preview may see “odd” text across the console, for more information go here.

Known Issues

We are aware that some issues have been listed in previous Xbox Insider Release Notes. Our dedicated Xbox engineers are actively working on finding solutions, but it may take some time. Here are a few known issues:


  • We have received reports of users experiencing intermittent issues with audio across the dashboard, games, and apps.
    • Note: If you experience issues with audio, please submit feedback via Report a Problem immediately with the “Reproduce with advanced diagnostics” option, then select the category “Console experiences” and “Console Audio Output Issues”.
    • Be sure to include as much information as possible:
      • When did the issue start?
      • Did you lose audio just in the game/app or system audio as well?
      • Does changing the audio format resolve the issue? If yes, what was the format before and after?
      • Does rebooting resolve the issue?
      • What does your setup include? Equipment, layout, etc.
      • And any additional information you can provide to reproduce the problem.

Keyboard Button Mapping for Xbox Controllers

  • If you change your keyboard language settings while the Xbox Accessories app is open, the change will be reflected after quitting the app or rebooting your console.

Manage Queue

  • We are aware that recently installed titles may wrap to a second row unexpectedly, and we are working on a fix.


  • We are currently investigating reports of an issue where the console may not connect to the network as expected on boot. If you experience this issue, please report it via Report a Problem as soon as possible.
    • Workaround: Wait a minute for the connection to establish. If your console still hasn’t connected, restart your Xbox from the Power Center by holding the Xbox button > Restart console > Restart.

Upload your Captures to OneDrive

  • If you are backing up a large collection of captures (1000+) to OneDrive, it may take some time. Please allow a few days for everything to appear.

Remember to use Report a Problem to keep us informed of any issues you encounter. While we may not be able to respond to everyone, the data we gather is crucial for finding resolutions.

What Happens to Your Feedback

If you’re an Xbox Insider in need of support, please reach out to our community subreddit. You’ll find Official Xbox staff, moderators, and fellow Xbox Insiders there to help with your concerns.

When posting to the subreddit, please check the most recent posts to see if your issue has already been reported or addressed. We encourage you to contribute to existing threads before creating a new one. This allows us to provide the best possible support. Don’t forget to use “Report a Problem” before posting—sharing information in both places helps us better understand your issue.

Thank you to all Xbox Insiders in the subreddit for being part of such a friendly and community-driven hub of conversation and support.

For more information about the Xbox Insider Program, follow us on Twitter. Keep an eye on future Xbox Insider Release Notes for updates on your Xbox Update Preview ring!