If you are looking for all the clue locations of Enigmas in the Round City District in AC Mirage, then your search ends here. Below we have the answer of not only where you can find them. But also the places where their solutions lead you. In case you haven’t hunted for these before or don’t know what an Enigma does. Then it is a scroll that has some text or image in it. Using it you can find buried treasures that reward you with outfit dyes and Talismans. So here is where you can find all of them in the Round City.
Round City District Enigma Clue Locations in AC Mirage
The two Enigma you can get here are:
- A Gift For You
- Just Rewards
Below are the locations for both the clues and their solutions:
A Gift For You

Go to the Residential district to get this Enigma. Reach the location shown in the above image. Get to the eastern side of the Historical site. From the balcony, use a throwing knife to open the window on the other side. Now, use that window to get in. Interact with the orb to update a Codex entry. Reach the end of the room on the right and the scroll will be on the sofa-like area.
Its treasure chest is located in the Mazalim Courts. Use the western gate to reach the non-functioning fountain basin. You can find it there. Collect it to get the Bedouin Talisman.
Just Rewards

This Enigma is located near Barsa Gate. Check the above map location. You need to reach the balcony above the gate. Make your way by climbing the rooftops of the buildings to its right.
You can find its reward at the Shurta Headquarters. Reach the restricted area and it will be on a table with spears and other weapons. Collect it to get the Black Abbasid Knight outfit dye.
That’s all for the clue & solution locations of Round City Enigmas in AC Mirage. If you are looking for more of them then also check out locations for Enigmas in the Abbasiyah district and Harbiyah district.