Best Default Loadout in MW3 Beta, Ranked

Best Default Loadouts in MW3 Beta, Ranked

As a new player in MW3, unlocking the ability to create your own class may take a few matches. But fret not, as the game provides several premade loadouts for you to try out and get a feel of the combat. Luckily, there are some excellent presets available that cater to different play styles. While certain loadouts may be more suitable for specific maps, there are a few that perform well across the board. In this article, we will rank the best default loadouts in MW3 beta.

#3 Frontline

Frontline is what you would call a quintessential ‘COD’ loadout, offering solutions for every situation. At its core, this Loadout features the MCW Assault Rifle, which boasts an unbelievably low recoil and feels as precise as a laser. Additionally, players can take advantage of the Lockwood 680 Shotgun in close quarters combat, which can pack a punch. With popular maps like Skid Row, this loadout provides plenty of opportunities for engaging in close-range battles. The inclusion of Flash and Frag grenades complements the loadout nicely, ensuring that it remains effective in any scenario.

#2 Marksman

As the name suggests, Marksman might not appear to be the ideal loadout for straight-up gunfights. However, don’t be fooled, as this loadout has more to offer. The MTZ-556 Assault Rifle is the star of the show, offering low recoil and significant damage output at medium range. To make things even more interesting, Marksman includes the KV Inhibitor Sniper Rifle, which can be a game-changer. Using this sniper rifle, players can effectively control long lines of sight and take out opponents swiftly. Just remember, the glint of the scope might give away your position. With the Semtex throwable and the Ghost T/V Camo to avoid detection, this loadout is a force to be reckoned with.

#1 Combat Controller

Surprisingly, Combat Controller recommends a loadout with no throwables. However, it compensates for this with the ability to get up close and personal. Featuring the Striker SMG, which boasts devastating firepower and low recoil, this loadout allows players to easily control close-quarter encounters. In addition, the WSP Stinger serves as a solid secondary weapon for mid-fight swaps. What truly sets the Combat Controller loadout apart is its combination of gear. Tac Mask protects against Snap Shot grenades, while the Ghost T/V Camo keeps players off UAVs. The Covert Sneakers ensure silent footsteps, while Scavenger keeps ammunition stocked up. With this powerful combination, players can successfully flank the enemy team with ease.

While the recommended loadouts above worked best for me, it’s important to note that loadout choice is heavily dependent on individual playstyles. Therefore, I encourage you to experiment with different loadouts and find what works best for you. After giving the suggested loadouts a try, don’t hesitate to explore the others and see which ones suit your preferences. Happy gaming!