Are There Cheats in Moonstone Island? Answered

Is There a Cheat System in Moonstone Island?

Moonstone Island offers a wide range of mechanics to keep players engaged during their Alchemist training. From foraging and farming to exploring dungeons and capturing wild spirits, there is plenty to do. However, some players may find these tasks time-consuming, especially when progression relies on the quantity of materials owned. This has led many to wonder if there are any cheats available to speed up the process. If you’re one of those players, you’re in luck. We have all the information you need right here.

Exploring Cheat Options

Life-simulation games often require players to invest a significant amount of time before they can unlock better mechanics and facilities. Some games, like The Sims 4, incorporate cheat systems that allow players to bypass this time-consuming process and enjoy free money or items without the need to invest hundreds of hours. Other games may have external cheat apps or save editors that enable players to modify their game data for similar results.

Unfortunately, Moonstone Island does not offer any of these cheat opportunities. There is no in-game cheat console, and currently, there are no external cheat apps available for Moonstone Island. The game uses encrypted save files, which prevents players from using external cheats. While this may change in the future, as the game is relatively new, cheating options are currently limited.

However, there is one method that allows players to “cheat” in Moonstone Island, which involves manually editing the game code for item values to duplicate specific resources. This can be done using programs like CoSMOS, but it’s crucial to know what you’re doing and be cautious not to edit the wrong values and risk damaging your saved data. If you plan to attempt this method, I highly recommend backing up your save data and following a thorough walkthrough or tutorial video.


In summary, cheats are not readily available in Moonstone Island. While there are no in-game cheat console or external cheat apps, players can manually edit the game code to duplicate resources. However, caution must be exercised to avoid unintended consequences. Now that you know the cheat options in Moonstone Island, why not explore our other Moonstone Island content? Check out our guide on how to obtain and use Moonstones, rare and essential items that are crucial for your playthrough.

About the Author

Grace Black

Grace is a writer, digital artist, and character illustrator from New Zealand with a passion for fiction and storytelling. With seven months of experience writing for Twinfinite and a year in the games industry, she brings a unique perspective to her work. An enthusiast of horror and occasional anime, Grace is also a dedicated fan of Ghost-Type Pokemon. Her favorite video games include Overwatch 2, Life is Strange, The Last of Us, and Pokemon, which she never tires of.