Stardew Valley – What Gifts Does Haley Like?

The process of romancing a character in Stardew Valley involves giving them gifts. By giving gifts, you earn friendship points with the character, which is visually represented by hearts.

In Stardew Valley, relationships with NPCs are measured by hearts. Most NPCs can have up to 10 hearts, while spouses can have up to 14 hearts.

To make the romance process easier with Haley, one of the romanceable characters in Stardew Valley, it is important to choose the right gifts. Since you can only give two gifts per week, you must be mindful of your choices.

Unfortunately, Haley has limited preferences when it comes to gifts in Stardew Valley. However, the best gift you can give her, especially if you enjoy farming, is the Sunflower.

Table of Contents

How Friendship Works and Why You Should Give Gifts

In order to befriend NPCs in Stardew Valley, you need to give them gifts.

Each NPC has different preferences for gifts, and their reactions will determine the amount of friendship points you earn.

Most normal villagers in Stardew Valley can have up to 10 hearts, but as a bachelorette, Haley can have up to 14 hearts, which increases when you marry her.

To build hearts with Haley, you need to earn friendship points with her.

Each heart in Stardew Valley is worth 250 friendship points, but these points will slowly decrease over time.

The most effective way to build friendship is by giving gifts that NPCs love. This will earn you 80 friendship points with them.

If you don’t have the loved items, you can also give them liked items, which will earn you 45 friendship points.

As long as you avoid giving disliked or hated items, giving gifts will only improve your relationship with NPCs. Since you only lose 2 friendship points per day, liked gifts are usually sufficient.

What Gifts Does Haley Like and Love in Stardew Valley

Haley in Stardew Valley, like other NPCs, has certain items that she loves.

There are some universally loved gifts in Stardew Valley that are appreciated by all NPCs, including Haley. These gifts include the Golden Pumpkin, Magic Rock Candy, Pearl, and Rabbit’s Foot. However, Penny dislikes the Prismatic Shard, which is otherwise universally loved.

Here is a list of gifts that Haley likes and loves in Stardew Valley, excluding the universally loved items, along with their sources and her opinion:

CoconutForaging – DesertLove
Fruit SaladCooking – TV, 7 Fall, Year 2Love
Pink CakeCooking – TV, 21 Summer, Year 2Love
SunflowerFarming – Summer, FallLove
DaffodilForaging – SpringLike

Best Gift to Give Haley

Sunflowers and Daffodils are the most recommended gifts for Haley in Stardew Valley. They are easy to obtain and can help you marry Haley in under 3 seasons.

Daffodils are readily available as forageable items at the beginning of the game.

Simply search for the yellow flowers that can be foraged, and you will quickly earn friendship points with Haley during Spring.

Once Summer arrives, you can purchase Sunflower Seeds from JojaMart (not Pierre’s, as his price is higher). Grow enough Sunflowers to give her two gifts per week until you marry her.

At JojaMart, Sunflower Seeds cost 125 gold, while Pierre sells them for 200 gold.

Since Sunflower Seeds are cheaper at JojaMart, it’s a good opportunity to benefit before JojaMart closes due to improvements in the Community Center.

That concludes our guide on the gifts that Haley likes in Stardew Valley!

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