The Deck of Many Things: Where to pre-order

The Deck of Many Things is set to shake things up in your next Dungeons & Dragons adventure. This iconic magical item, also known as The Deck of Hazards, has been brought to life by Wizards of the Coast. It consists of a set of 66 unique cards inspired by tarot, which have the power to create both magic and chaos during your tabletop sessions.

The current pre-order bundle, available for $99.99 on Amazon and Wizards of the Coast, includes the renowned deck as well as The Book of Many Things. This book provides content that is thematically connected to the deck and is designed for both players and Dungeon Masters. Additionally, the bundle includes an 80-page hardcover guidebook that explains the effects of each card.

By reserving a copy in advance from either Amazon or Wizards of the Coast, you can save $10 off the launch price. Furthermore, pre-ordering from Wizards of the Coast grants you early access to The Book of Many Things on D&D Beyond starting October 31st, along with a collection of other digital bonuses. It’s important to note that while pre-orders from Amazon cost the same as a direct purchase from Wizards of the Coast, they do not include a digital copy or any of the featured pre-order bonuses.

Unfortunately, the launch of The Deck of Many Things has been delayed indefinitely due to manufacturing defects. However, this does not impact the availability of the digital pre-order bonuses provided by Wizards of the Coast. We will keep you updated on the revised release date for the physical version as soon as it is announced.

The tarot-sized cards in The Deck of Many Things are different in size compared to those in games like the Pokémon TCG or Magic: The Gathering. Fortunately, Ultra Pro offers card sleeves specifically designed for tarot decks, and they have confirmed to Polygon that these sleeves are compatible with the cards found in The Deck of Many Things.

Update (October 27th): The launch of The Deck of Many Things has been postponed until further notice due to manufacturing defects, as originally scheduled for November 14th.