How to get Nimble Fingers talent in Star Ocean The Second Story R

How to Obtain the Nimble Fingers Talent in Star Ocean The Second Story R

If you’re looking to engage in pickpocketing in Star Ocean The Second Story R, then you’ll need a specific talent called Nimble Fingers. In this guide, we’ll show you how to obtain the Nimble Fingers talent in the game.

Learning Nimble Fingers in Star Ocean The Second Story R

If you want to acquire the Nimble Fingers talent in Star Ocean The Second Story R, there are a couple of methods you can try. One way is to start the game with the talent from the beginning. There’s a chance that your protagonist may already possess Nimble Fingers, so if you’re early in the game and don’t want to explore other options, you can restart the game and hope for the talent to be present.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

If starting with Nimble Fingers isn’t an option, you can also acquire it by utilizing associated specialties like Crafting or Machinist. By engaging in these specialties and having the necessary materials, you can learn Nimble Fingers. For example, I personally had success in teaching Claude Nimble Fingers by crafting around fifteen items out of iron. Crafting seems to be a favorable path due to the ample availability of materials and the wide range of items that can be crafted.

The Benefits of Nimble Fingers

In Star Ocean The Second Story R, Nimble Fingers is a valuable talent that offers several gameplay advantages. First, it enables the use of pickpocketing and other related specialties. Secondly, Nimble Fingers increases the likelihood of success in performing specific specialties and creating items. This makes characters with Nimble Fingers especially proficient when utilizing the Machinist IC for crafting or item creation, as the chances for success are significantly enhanced.

You can purchase Star Ocean The Second Story R on Steam, and for more information, feel free to explore our other articles.