Ex-Rockstar Dev Reveals Why PS3 Exclusive Agent Was Canceled

Former Rockstar Developer Reveals Details Behind the Cancellation of PS3 Exclusive

A now-deleted blog post from a former Rockstar Games developer has shed light on the reasons why the much-anticipated PS3 exclusive game, Agent, was canceled. The former technical director, Obbe Vermeij, who spent over a decade at Rockstar before leaving in 2009, shared insights into the cancellation, much to the company’s disapproval.

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Vermeij’s revelations have quickly spread across the internet, with his original post still accessible through Google Cache. According to him, Agent was initially conceived as a departure from the Grand Theft Auto series, with a unique concept and setting. The game was meant to be set in the 70s, featuring various international locations and a storyline reminiscent of James Bond narratives.

Despite the promising pitch and early development, Vermeij acknowledged that the progress on Agent was not meeting expectations. Efforts were made to salvage the project by scaling back on content, but ultimately, the game was deemed a distraction. Vermeij hinted that the project might have been handed over to another division within Rockstar but was never completed.

Following the circulation of his initial post, Vermeij received an unpleasant call from Rockstar, prompting him to remove the revealing blog entry out of concern for his former colleagues.