How to fix Stuttering and Black Screen Errors in Ready or Not

Excellent Fixes for Stuttering and Black Screens in Ready or Not

Ready or Not has seen a surge in popularity since its release, but like any new game, it comes with its own set of problems that players are struggling with. Those experiencing issues with stuttering and black screens may find some relief by trying out the solutions below.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Before delving into the more technical fixes, it’s worth trying some simple troubleshooting steps that often resolve most issues. First, start by restarting your device, then verify the game’s files on Steam, and consider reinstalling the game if the files are clear. Additionally, adjusting the graphics settings may help alleviate the strain on your PC.

After each of these steps, check the game to see if the issues are resolved. If the problems persist, then it may be necessary to proceed with the more advanced fixes outlined below.

Related: What are Soft Objectives in Ready or Not?

Effective Solutions for Stuttering and Black Screens in Ready or Not

If the basic troubleshooting steps did not resolve the issues in Ready or Not, try implementing one or both of the following advanced solutions to eliminate the problems.

Update Windows

Ensure that Windows is up to date by accessing the “Update & Security” tab in Settings. Additionally, visit the Microsoft website to update the .NET Framework to version 4.8.

Reinstall Graphics Drivers

Use Display Driver Uninstaller to completely reinstall your graphics drivers. If adjusting the graphics settings did not yield results, updating and reinstalling the drivers themselves should address the issues.

DLSS Update Mod

Consider installing a mod specifically designed for Ready or Not, which has proven to be effective in resolving visual issues experienced by many players.

Once you’ve implemented these solutions, you should find that Ready or Not is now ready to play. If you continue to experience stuttering and black screens, it may be indicative of hardware issues that require replacement.

As you return to playing Ready or Not after resolving these issues, perhaps it’s time to give your hardworking SWAT Officers a well-deserved break.