Fans think this rare Japanese TV video may be the only known footage of Luigi in Super Mario 64

Rare Footage Surfaces of Multiplayer Mode in Super Mario 64

In a surprising turn of events, previously unreleased footage of Super Mario 64’s multiplayer mode has emerged online. This discovery has sent shockwaves through the gaming community, reigniting interest and speculation about the game’s early development stages.

Back in 1996, an interview with Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto hinted at plans to include Luigi as a playable character in the game. Subsequent leaks in 2020 confirmed the existence of character models for both Mario and Luigi in the game. However, until now, there had been no actual footage or visual evidence to support these claims.

The video in question appears to be a rare artifact that showcases an early build of Super Mario 64. If authentic, this footage could potentially be the only known glimpse of Luigi in the game. Viewers are encouraged to watch the grainy video below, specifically jumping to the 13:21 timestamp, to witness this historical find:

Now In Game Channel.

The video was recently uploaded by the YouTube channel “Now In Game Channel,” claiming that it was recorded at Spaceworld 95. This revelation has sparked a buzz of excitement and curiosity within the gaming community.

Reactions to the video have been mixed, with many expressing awe and disbelief at the sight of this long-rumored multiplayer mode. “We finally have a glimpse of what the early multiplayer mode for Super Mario 64 looked like!” exclaimed well-known YouTuber and modder, Marionova. This sentiment was echoed by others who celebrated the first public appearance of Luigi’s character model from the classic game.

As expected, the video quickly went viral, fueling discussions and debates among fans. Some staunchly believe that the character showcased is indeed Luigi, while others argue that it could be a visual trick caused by color distortion on the old CRT screen. The ongoing debate has prompted viewers to form their own opinions and conclusions about this groundbreaking discovery.

What are your thoughts on this revelatory footage? Do you believe it truly displays Luigi in the game, or is it merely an optical illusion? Share your insights and join the conversation as fans around the world continue to unravel the mystery behind this historic finding.

Thank you, TimeExtension.