The Finals ‘Stuck In Queue’ Error Fix

Fixing The Finals Stuck in Queue Issue

The Finals, the latest addition to the FPS genre, has been entertaining fans, but like many other games, it is not without its bugs and glitches. One common issue that players are reporting is getting stuck in the queue while trying to matchmake. This can be incredibly frustrating, but we have some solutions to help you fix this problem and get back to the game.

Here’s How to Fix the Finals Stuck in Queue

Image Source: Bay Riffer

If you are experiencing the issue of being stuck in the queue, you should know that this is a technical problem on the developer’s end, not yours. Unfortunately, there’s no definitive fix for this issue, but there are a few things you can try that might help alleviate the problem:

Check Server Status

The most common cause of this issue is a server outage. Developers often take the servers down for maintenance or updates. To check the status of The Finals server, you can visit Embark Studios’ X (Twitter) Account or join their Discord Server. They provide updates on any server issues there.

Restart the Game

It may seem simple, but restarting the game can sometimes resolve the issue. If you find yourself stuck in a queue, try restarting the game to see if it helps.

Check your Internet Connection

Ensure that your internet connection is stable and functioning properly. Sometimes, an unstable connection can prevent you from entering a match.

These are the steps you can take to try and fix the Finals Stuck in Queue issue. For more helpful guides like this, be sure to visit our dedicated section for The Finals Guides on Gamer Tweak.