Hearts of Iron 4 (HOI4) – How to Send Air Volunteers

Volunteers are a significant aspect of the Second World War and the period leading up to it, allowing Hearts of Iron 4 players to train their people and gain extra experience before the crucial war commences.

Air Volunteers offer an intriguing opportunity to intervene in wars by deploying Air Wings to dominate air zones and assist ground troops in winning on the frontlines.

To send Air Volunteers in HOI4 to potentially friendly countries, you need to use the normal Send Volunteers button in Diplomacy, check the Send Air Volunteers option, press Send, and order your Air Wings to redeploy in the Air Bases of the country you sent the volunteers.

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What Are Air Volunteers?

Air Volunteers are Air Wings Volunteers that can be sent to countries at war and used in the same way as in any other war scenario.

The purpose of sending Air Volunteers to a country is to build up Air Experience while participating in relatively risk-free missions.

How to Send Air Volunteers in HOI4

Here is how to send Air Volunteers to other countries in HOI4:

  1. Right-click on the country you want to send Air Volunteers (open their Diplomacy menu).
  2. Select the Send Volunteers option.
  3. Check the box in the upper right corner of the menu, which says “Send Air Volunteers”.
  4. Press the “Send” button in the bottom right corner of the menu.
  5. Choose the Air Wing you want to send and right click to redeploy it in the Air Base of the country you want to help.

There generally shouldn’t be many problems you can have from this process.

If you don’t have the right circumstances for your government and can’t send normal Volunteers, then you can’t send Air Volunteers either.

As opposed to normal Volunteers, you can always call back the Air Volunteers from the war since you just move them from the allied Air Bases to your own, as you would in a normal war.

Players will get a limit on how many Air Wings they can send at the same time in the Air Bases of their potential allies.

You can also change what Air Wings you have as Air Volunteers, since the Air Volunteers limit is based on the present Air Wings, not on the amount you’ve sent.

That’s everything you need to know about how to send Air Volunteers in Hearts of Iron 4!

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