Destiny 2 – How to Delete a Character

How to Delete Characters in Destiny 2

Destiny 2, much like other MMO games, allows players to create multiple characters, each providing a different way to experience the game. However, there are some important risks to be aware of before permanently deleting any character.

Risks of Deleting Your Character

  • Any gear in the character’s inventory will be permanently deleted
  • Campaign progress, abilities, and quest progress will also be lost

The Deletion Process

Before deleting a character, it’s crucial to ensure that there is more than one character created. Destiny 2 will not allow the deletion of the only character on an account.

If only one character is currently created, a new character must be created and the tutorial completed before returning to the Character Select screen to proceed with the deletion process.

Once there is more than one character, hovering the cursor over the desired character will reveal the option to delete. Holding down the key to delete them will prompt a confirmation process to prevent accidental deletion.

Safeguarding Your Gear

To avoid losing valuable gear, ensure that everything is stored inside the Vault. The Vault functions account-wide, allowing access to stored gear on other characters.

Equipping Grey or Blue gear from the collections will facilitate the safe storage of desired gear inside the Vault. Any unlocked gear, such as Exotic armor and Pinnacle weapons, will still remain accessible.

Reasons for Deleting a Character

There are two primary reasons why a player might consider deleting a character:

  • Appearance preferences
  • Maximizing one-time rewards from specific activities

Appearance Preferences

Character creation is the sole opportunity to modify the Race, Gender, and appearance of the Guardian. While starting over with a fresh character is the only solution for altering appearance, it may not be a viable option for players who have invested significant time into a character.

For players hesitant to start over for appearances alone, toggling the Helmet setting to Always On in the Gameplay Settings can mitigate the need to constantly view the character’s appearance.

Maximizing One-Time Rewards

Destiny 2 offers valuable one-time rewards for completing specific activities. These rewards encompass Exotic armor and weapons, crafting materials, and unique weapon variants.

Players often exploit these rewards by repeatedly deleting an underutilized character and completing activities to claim the desired gear. While this method may not be efficient for players with three active characters, it can expedite the acquisition of crafting patterns for newly-released weapons during new Seasons or Expansions.


Before proceeding with character deletion, carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages. Share your reasons for wanting to delete a character in the comments!