How to find Paldeck number 106 Orserk location in Palworld

How to Find Orserk 106 in Palworld

If you’re aiming to capture every Pal in Palworld, be prepared to cover some serious ground. There are numerous Pals that emerge at various times of day, and Orserk Paldeck number 106 is notorious for being elusive due to its remote location.

You can occasionally spot Orserk 106 northeast of the Deep Sand Dunes travel point, which is located at the furthest northeast point of the map. Be sure to dress warmly, as this area is prone to cold weather and is inhabited by level 30+ monsters.

To reach the location of Orserk 106 in Palworld, you will need to journey across the ocean to a Spikey Island referred to as the Reserve. Ensure that you have a Pal with the stamina to make the crossing, and equip yourself with suitable clothing for the chilly climate. The nearest Fast Travel point is the Deep Sand Dunes.

PC Invasion

Upon arriving at the small island, be prepared to encounter high-level enemies and PDF alliance Soldiers. While you are not obligated to engage in combat, being on the island is considered a crime, so it is advisable to avoid confrontation. Orserk 106 may not always be present in Palworld, so if it is not initially visible, try climbing and exploring the island until it appears.

Orserk 106 is a rare sight in Palworld, requiring patience and a bit of luck to find. Do not expect to capture it until you have acquired a strong team of Pals and a sufficient number of Spheres. I recommend having at least level 35 Pals before attempting to catch Orserk 106. Rushing in without the necessary resources will likely prove futile.