Call Of Duty’s Iconic Nuketown Map Has Been Made In Lego Fortnite

Players Get Crafty with Lego Fortnite

With the newly-released Lego Fortnite, a Lego-branded survival-crafting mode within Fortnite, players are finding creative ways to express themselves. One player, Redditor u/claudesfeet, recreated Call of Duty’s Nuketown map using the building tools available in Lego Fortnite, and the result is pretty impressive.

Despite its blocky nature, the Lego Fortnite version of Nuketown captures the familiar streets, vehicles, and buildings of the original map, with only a few unfinished elements. However, PVP is not currently allowed in Lego Fortnite, so players can’t engage in proper shootouts in this version of Nuketown.

While there is no official roadmap for the game mode, players are already showcasing their creativity. Just earlier this month, another Reddit user shared a recreation of the iconic Lord of the Rings fortress, Helms Deep, using Lego Fortnite’s castle building pieces.

It’s worth noting that Lego Fortnite offers the option to turn off survival aspects, such as hunger or temperature, when creating a new world. This allows players to focus solely on the creative and building aspects of the game. For those interested in learning more about the new Fortnite game mode, be sure to check out our guide.