Hearts of Iron 4 – How to Use Army Experience Cheat

Using Cheats to Maximize Your Experience in Hearts of Iron 4

In the world of Hearts of Iron 4, cheats can be an essential tool, allowing both new and experienced players to test new strategies and designs. The Army Experience cheat is especially valuable for all types of players, as it enables you to reach the experience cap, providing opportunities for new designs and divisions.

Luckily, activating the Army Experience cheat is a straightforward process, and can greatly enhance your gameplay experience.

How to Use Army Experience Console Command Cheat in HOI4

Here is the step-by-step guide to using the Army Experience cheat in HOI4:

  1. Open the console by pressing ~ on the keyboard. Note: This is not possible in Ironman Mode.
  2. Write xp and press Enter.

By following these steps, you will instantly receive the maximum amount of Army, Navy, and Air Experience available for the chosen country.

Players also have the option to control the amount of experience they receive by specifying a number after xp. For example, xp 100 would grant 100 Army, Navy, and Air Experience. Conversely, by using negative numbers, such as xp -100, you can reduce the amount of experience for your country.

Increasing Experience of Divisions With Cheats

If you are seeking to increase the experience level of your divisions, there is a different method to achieve this:

  1. Disband all the divisions you wish to increase the experience level of.
  2. In the Recruit & Deploy menu, add them for recruitment.
  3. Open the console by pressing ~ on the keyboard.
  4. Write instanttraining and press Enter.
  5. Wait 24 hours.

Following these steps will instantly deploy the troops at level 3 experience, providing a useful advantage. However, it’s essential to note that this cheat also benefits other countries in the game.

If you prefer not to assist the AI, manual training of troops is the best alternative.

That’s everything you need to know about how to use the Army Experience cheat in Hearts of Iron 4!

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