Where is the ranked playlist in Modern Warfare 3?

Modern Warfare 3: Where is the Ranked playlist?

Ranked play in Modern Warfare 3 is a popular mode, but some players are reporting that the ranked playlist is missing from the main menu. If you’re wondering where the ranked playlist is in Modern Warfare 3, read on.

Before the new season begins, the ranked playlist for the previous season goes offline for some time because it resets. This means you have to wait for the ranked playlist to become available again. So, if you can’t find the ranked playlist in the menu, don’t worry, it’s normal.

What resets each season?

Your rank does not reset, but your division does go down a few steps. For example, if you are in the Silver 1 division, your rank will drop down to Bronze 1, and you’ll need to work your way up. If you are on the higher end of the ranked division, such as Top 250, Iridescent, or Crimson, you’ll start at Dimond 1, which means the higher you go, the more you have to rank up.

This leveling of the playing field at the start of each season allows players in the lower divisions a chance to move up, as they are all in the same pool. Additionally, playing at the start of each season gives you an edge over latecomers, regardless of your performance, as the pool of players becomes smaller and the better players level up quickly, yielding more XP. Therefore, it’s recommended to play at the start of each season.

Since Season 2 is here for Modern Warfare 3, you can also check out how the new Ninja Vest works.