Hideo Kojima Announces Return to Action-Espionage Genre
In a recent episode of his HideoTube web series, iconic game designer Hideo Kojima revealed that he would be returning to the action-espionage genre, a move that has been highly anticipated by fans for years. This announcement comes alongside the development of Death Stranding 2 and a new IP called OD. According to Kojima, a period of illness and surgery prompted him to ‘change his priorities’ and fulfill the desires of his fans by working on a new action game.
Kojima Explains His Decision
Kojima’s decision to return to the action-espionage genre came after years of fan requests for another Metal Gear game. However, it wasn’t until he faced illness and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic that these requests took on a deeper significance. Kojima reflected on his mortality, stating, “I turned 60 last year. I’ll turn 70 in 10 years. I hope to never retire. Having said that, if the users desire it so much, I thought I should change my priorities a bit.”
A Glimpse into Physint
Physint was described by Kojima as the “culmination of my work” during its initial reveal. While it’s still in the early stages of development, Kojima has hinted at what fans can expect. He refers to it as an “interactive game” that blurs the lines between a video game and a movie, promising a unique experience that transcends traditional boundaries.
Taking Gaming to New Heights
Kojima’s ultimate goal for Physint is to push the envelope and challenge perceptions of video games as a medium. He aims to create an experience that goes beyond traditional gaming, offering a level of immersion that rivals that of a movie. While the release date for Physint is still unknown, fans can expect an innovative and boundary-pushing game when it finally arrives. Only time will tell if Kojima will succeed in achieving his ambitious vision for Physint.