How to unlock and use Bunker Buster Killstreak in Warzone

What Sets the Bunker Buster Killstreak Apart in Warzone

Facing off against opponents armed with SMGs who are hiding inside buildings can be a daunting challenge in Warzone. Luckily, Season 2 Reloaded introduces a solution to deal with these pesky campers – the Bunker Buster Killstreak. Here is everything you need to know about unlocking and effectively using this game-changing tool.

Understanding the Bunker Buster Killstreak in Warzone

The Bunker Buster Killstreak is a powerful weapon designed to counteract players who are holed up in buildings. Similar to calling in an Airstrike, players can use binoculars to target a specific location for the Bunker Buster. Once activated, this Killstreak releases damaging gas into the building, forcing enemies out. Contrary to rumors, it is important to note that the Bunker Buster is only available on the Fortunes Keep map and cannot be used in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer.

Acquiring and Deploying the Bunker Buster in Warzone

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Players can purchase the Bunker Buster Killstreak from Buy Zones for $4000. Once acquired, it can be activated by selecting it from the inventory. When deployed, players can designate the target location using binoculars, with the Bunker Buster taking approximately 8 seconds to land.

Similar to other Killstreaks in Warzone, the Bunker Buster is not meant to secure kills outright but rather force enemies to retreat. To maximize its effectiveness, it is advisable to monitor the doors and windows of the targeted building. By capitalizing on your opponents’ distraction from the Bunker Buster, you can gain the upper hand in combat.

Assessing the Impact of the Bunker Buster in Warzone

While a comprehensive evaluation of the Bunker Buster is pending, initial impressions suggest it is a formidable Killstreak well worth the investment of $4000. Buildings typically provide a safe haven for recovering from engagements by shielding against Airstrikes and Mortars. The Bunker Buster serves as an effective tactic to apply pressure on teams situated indoors and force opponents into unfavorable positions.

The true impact and potential ‘meta’ status of the Bunker Buster in Warzone will become clearer with time, as players experiment with its capabilities. Season 2 has ushered in various updates across multiplayer modes and Warzone, including hidden surprises in Zombies mode. With an array of new content available, exploration of all game modes is recommended, even for those with specific preferences.