All Market News potion types in Genshin Impact Alchemical Ascension

When delving into the Alchemical Ascension event in Genshin Impact, understanding Market News and crafting the right potions is crucial. To excel in your potion business, it’s essential to identify the most profitable potion types to sell in each cycle.

Genshin Impact Alchemical Ascension: All Market News potion types

Currently, the event consists of two phases and 22 cycles. Each cycle presents a unique opportunity to optimize your potion selection based on Market News. By staying attuned to market demands, you can maximize your profits and rewards.

Engaging in this event also offers a chance to acquire the Dialogues of the Desert Sages weapon at no cost. To assist you in navigating the market trends, here are the recommended potions for each cycle in Alchemical Ascension.

Phase 1

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Cycles 2-4

During these initial cycles, focus on crafting Beginner Strength and Constitution potions. Start with basic ingredients, gradually improving the quality of your potions with each cycle. You have the opportunity to upgrade your potion quality by one level in every cycle.

Market NewsCharacteristics/EfficaciesBest Ingredients
Good Hunter is introducing new dishes for adventurers with a penchant for battling.Constitution
Special Calla Lily, Special Horsetail, Special Jueyun Chili
The Mondstadt flower shop owner aims to enhance the growth and bloom duration of their fresh flowers.Steadying
Special Calla Lily, Special Horsetail, Special Mushroom
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Cycles 5-7

For these cycles, aim to create Intermediate Dexterity and Wisdom potions. Achieve this by ensuring a Tuning Rate above 100% by utilizing all available space with ingredients effectively.

For instance, while focusing on adding Special Qingxin to enhance your Wisdom potion, filling gaps with Special Mushrooms can boost your Tuning Rate, resulting in an Intermediate potion.

Market NewsCharacteristics/EfficaciesBest Ingredients
Draff of Springvale seeks hunters to capture an exceedingly speedy Boar King.Dexterity
Special Horsetail, Special Dandelion, Special Jueyun Chili, Special Qingxin
A scholar in Mondstadt uncovers an ancient stone tablet and endeavors to decipher its contents.WisdomSpecial Qingxin, Special Mushroom
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Cycles 8-10

For the final three cycles of this phase, you’ll encounter two out of four Market News options randomly. Depending on the specific news, consider crafting Intermediate Charisma, Strength, or Constitution potions. Charisma potions are versatile and suitable for both bard and makeup Market News.

Reminder: During these Cycles, prepare for special orders from Beidou and Eula alongside your regular potions.

Market NewsCharacteristics/EfficaciesBest Ingredients
A Mondstadt bard aims to captivate audiences with stellar performances.Charisma
Special Glaze Lily, Special Sumeru Rose, Special Calla Lily, Special Qingxin, Special Windwheel Aster
The Favonius Knights’ Cavalry Captain leads a mission to eliminate bandits near the city.Strength
Special Flaming Flower, Special Jueyun Chili, Special Dandelion, Special Horsetail, Special Mushroom
Youth in Mondstadt embrace fashionable makeup trends.Charisma
Special Sumeru Rose, Special Windwheel Aster, Special Glaze Lily
The Dragonspine Exploration Team prepares supplies to maintain their members’ well-being.Constitution
Special Sweet Flower, Special Horsetail, Special Calla Lily, Special Mushroom
Phase 2
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Phase 2

Cycles 11-22

Transitioning into the next phase of the Alchemical Ascension event, Market News events become randomized for every cycle. From Cycles 11-13, 14-16, 17-19, and 20-22, expect diverse Market News options. As you enhance your Operation Bonuses, you’ll have the opportunity to craft Advanced Potions. Here’s a breakdown of potential Market News and the recommended potions:

Market NewsCharacteristics/EfficaciesBest Ingredients
Rare swift-swimming fish sightings in Mondstadt prompt enthusiasts to pursue them.Dexterity
Special Horsetail, Special Mist Flower, Special Flaming Flower, Special Mushroom
Qingce Village elders seek methods to prolong their lifespans.Constitution
Special Sweet Flower, Special Mushroom, Special Horsetail, Special Violetgrass
Yae Publishing House hosts a light novel contest, inspiring authors in search of ideas.Wisdom
Special Lumidouce Bell, Special Mint, Special Windwheel Aster
Increased desert disturbances lead the Guardian of Aaru Village to fortify defenses against monsters.Strength
Special Mist Flower, Special Sweet Flower, Special Calla Lily, Special Mushroom
Stressed Akademiya students seek tranquility to concentrate on their studies.Wisdom
Special Lumidouce Bell, Special Windwheel Aster, Special Berry, Special Calla Lily
The Yun-Han Opera Troupe Director plans to acquire makeup products for performances.Charisma
Special Marcotte, Special Lumidouce Bell, Special Glaze Lily, Special Sumeru Rose
Deaconess Barbara of the Church of Favonius replenishes medicine stocks for the injured.Constitution
Special Sweet Flower, Special Calla Lily, Special Qingxin
The Millelith defend miners against monsters, requiring composure and efficiency.Dexterity
Special Mist Flower, Special Zaytun Peach, Special Dandelion
Pankration Tournament attendees seek enhancements for improved physical capabilities.Constitution
Special Sweet Flower, Special Mist Flower, Special Horsetail
A Liyue ship captain focuses on boosting new sailors’ constitution and combating seasickness.Constitution
Special Calla Lily, Special Qingxin, Special Sweet Flower, Special Zaytun Peach

With phases one and two complete, anticipation builds for Phase Three of this immersive Genshin Impact event. In the meantime, keep an eye out for Dendrobium, especially if you’ve recently unlocked Chiori and aim to ascend her.

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