“We Have Another Story to Tell” – Why Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II is A Revolutionary Sequel 

For the team at Ninja Theory, the decision to continue Senua’s journey was always a certainty. Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice provided a complete narrative, but the studio felt there were more tales to explore. Dom Matthews, the Studio Head, shared that they wanted to keep the door open for Senua, although the process of creating a sequel was unclear during the studio’s independent days. However, being part of Xbox Game Studios has changed the game completely. This upcoming sequel exudes a larger-than-life feel, with every aspect enhanced – from the hyper-realistic environments to the captivating audio design and the striking performance-captured combat.

Setting Out on a Fresh Adventure

“We have top-notch facilities like our performance capture stage and cutting-edge technologies, but they all serve the same purpose,” says Matthews. “That purpose is to craft an experience that draws players in and allows them to lose themselves in this fantastical world.”

Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II picks up shortly after the conclusion of the first game, as Senua bids a final farewell to her beloved Dillion. With determination in her heart, she embarks on a new quest to prevent others from facing the same tragic fate as Dillion. Although still grappling with her psychosis, Senua has developed a deeper understanding of its nature and its significance in her life.

“Senua has reached a point where she embraces two truths,” explains Matthews. “She accepts her psychosis as a part of her unique worldview, and she acknowledges that she cannot bring Dillion back. This realization fuels her resolve, transforming her overwhelming sorrow into a driving force for positive change, ensuring that Dillion’s sacrifice was not in vain.”