Fastest way to get silver coins in No Rest for the Wicked

Silver coins play a crucial role as currency in the world of No Rest for the Wicked, but they can be harder to come by compared to the standard bronze coins. If you’re eager to boost your stash of silver coins quickly in No Rest for the Wicked, read on for some valuable tips.

How to acquire silver coins rapidly in No Rest for the Wicked

The most efficient method to earn silver coins in No Rest for the Wicked is by focusing on completing bounties and challenges. These can be acquired by speaking to Randolph in Sacrament. If you’re having trouble locating him, refer to the image below for his exact whereabouts.

Screenshot: PC Invasion

Based on personal experience, completing challenges and bounties has proven to be the most effective and straightforward way to earn silver coins in No Rest for the Wicked. Before accepting a challenge, take note of the silver coin rewards displayed in the bottom right corner.

Fastest ways to get silver coins in No Rest for the wicked
Screenshot: PC Invasion

I highly recommend consistently accepting challenges and bounties as you progress through No Rest for the Wicked. You may even complete them inadvertently while focusing on the main questline.

Challenges typically involve mundane tasks that you naturally perform, but remember to activate them by speaking with Randolph to ensure you receive credit. Examples of challenges include eliminating 5 Risen scoundrels, gathering copper ore, and blocking 15 enemy attacks.

Keep in mind that you can only have one daily bounty and one weekly bounty active simultaneously. However, you can take on multiple challenges concurrently.

What are silver coins utilized for in No Rest for the Wicked?

Several vendors in No Rest for the Wicked necessitate a mix of bronze and silver coins. Eleanor, for instance, is a key vendor for Runes, weapon enchantments, Gems, and more, often requiring a few silver coins for her inventory.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of acquiring silver coins in No Rest for the Wicked, it’s time to leverage them effectively. Visit our weapon Runes guide to ensure you make wise spending decisions.