How to get all Silver Pool tools

To enhance your gameplay and strengthen your character in Hades 2, acquiring the Silver Pool tools and seeking assistance from the Fates is essential. In order to accomplish this, certain tools must be obtained to complete the Tools of the Unseen quest.

The Tools of the Unseen quest, similar to the Keeper of Shadows quest, is just one of many side quests available in Hades 2. These quests serve as a guide to lead you through the game’s content and act as a checklist of tasks to complete. To successfully finish the Tools of the Unseen quest, you must unlock all the Silver Pool tools found in the game.

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There are a total of four unique tools available for collecting reagents to use in your incantations. These tools will progressively unlock as you gather the necessary resources needed for their creation. While three of the tools can be unlocked early on in your gameplay, one tool will require you to journey to the surface world. Let’s delve into each of these Silver Pool tools and the materials required to craft them.

All Hades 2 tools

Silver Pool ToolMaterials Needed
Crescent Pick1x Ash: Collected as encounter reward.
Tablet of Peace5x Silver: Mine Silver in Erebus with the Crescent Pick.
5x Psyche: Collected as encounter reward.
Silver Spade10x Silver.
Rod of Fishing1x Bronze: Mine Bronze in the City of Ephyra on the surface with the Crescent Pick.
1x Fate Fabric: Purchase from the Wretched Broker.
Hades 2 Tools
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By exploring the Depths and utilizing your Crescent Pick, you can unlock all the tools except for the Rod of Fishing. Progress through the game naturally, mine silver, and eventually, you will reach the surface where you need to gather Bronze ore. Depending on your skill level, it may take some time to reach this point, but remember, death is just another step towards victory. Additionally, in Hades, you technically do not die but instead teleport back, allowing you to persevere through the challenges.

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