How to Fix Solo Leveling Arise Loading Circle Bug

Solo Leveling Arise Loading Circle Bug Fix

The recently released Solo Leveling Arise game, based on the popular webtoon, has been causing frustration for many players due to a loading circle bug. Here are some tips on how to resolve this issue:

Image Source: Netmarble

If you encounter the loading circle bug while playing Solo Leveling Arise, it may occur during various in-game activities, such as loading the game or interacting with NPCs. This bug appears to be more common in densely populated areas within the game.

If you suspect that the issue might be related to server problems, your first step should be to check the official Discord server for any announcements about server downtime. In such cases, you may have to wait until the server issues are resolved before being able to play again.

It is likely that the loading circle bug is connected to server or local connection issues, considering that Solo Leveling Arise is still a relatively new game. To tackle this problem, try restarting both your modem/router and the game simultaneously, as this may help resolve the issue.

If the initial troubleshooting steps do not work, there are other options you can explore. For PC players, consider switching from a Wi-Fi connection to a cable connection or changing your DNS address. Mobile players can try switching between Wi-Fi and mobile data connections to see if that resolves the bug.

The root cause of these problems seems to be the overwhelming demand for the game, leading to server overload. The good news is that the game developers are likely working on adding new servers to address this issue.

For more insights into Solo Leveling Arise, check out our tier list of hunters in the game and learn how to efficiently farm gold to enhance your gaming experience.