Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga Review

Introduction to Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga

Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga opens in theaters May 24. This review is part of IGN’s coverage of the 2024 Cannes Film Festival.

Furiosa: A New Perspective on the Mad Max Wasteland

“Tonight, we dance to Darwin,” the charming warlord Dementus (Chris Hemsworth) proclaims ahead of a brutal punishment. Motorbikes are mounted. They leave dust and blood in their wake. This is the Wasteland, the post-apocalyptic desert setting of George Miller’s beloved Mad Max series. But Miller’s latest film is the Wasteland seen differently – its inner workings, politics, and structures of survival filtered through the perspective of a young Furiosa, the tough-as-nails hero introduced in 2015’s Mad Max: Fury Road. In Furiosa: A Mad Max Saga, the titular hero (Anya Taylor-Joy) is our guide on a journey home. And with Miller’s impeccable worldbuilding, sharp directorial eye, and smart casting, this masterpiece of a prequel makes us feel like we’re riding right alongside her.

The Strength and Power of Furiosa

Survival of the fittest is the law of the Wasteland, though no Mad Max movie has expressed it as poignantly as Furiosa. Through the capability and strength Miller gives the future imperator, there’s no denying she’s both mentally and physically equipped for the worst of struggles. Both the confidence Taylor-Joy projects and the way Miller chooses to frame his star – with a focus on her strong, unflinching gaze – give us the sense that she’s accustomed to the harsh ways of the new world (even if she longs for the old one she was ripped from). Building on Charlize Theron’s quiet, contemplative turn as Furiosa in Fury Road, Taylor-Joy burns as bright as the desert sun in a nearly wordless role. She disappears inside Furiosa, and using the character’s sheer willpower she builds a tragically beautiful foundation that’s hushed yet powerful. Furiosa’s quest to return to the lush oasis of The Green Place of Many Mothers is an epic – and it still feels that way, even though we know from Fury Road that she won’t reach her destination. Taylor-Joy’s fierce, cunning, and completely gripping performance is up to that task.

The Vibrant Cinematic World of Furiosa

Hemsworth is also in fine form. One moment, he’s swaying us with his MCU-bred magnetism; the next, he’s repelling us with Dementus’ cruelty. The warlord who imprisons Furiosa is proof that Hemsworth should be playing more villains, especially those who allow him to revel in the many faces of evil.

Connecting Furiosa to Fury Road

Miller’s knack for worldbuilding is on full display and gorgeously photographed by The Great Gatsby cinematographer Simon Duggan. He and the director band together to create vibrant and striking imagery that tells Furiosa’s story as well as the words in Miller and Nico Lathouris’ script.

The Heart and Action of Furiosa

Junkie XL’s rollicking score performs a similar function with its callbacks to the themes of Fury Road; Furiosa elegantly builds tangible links to the other Mad Max films to give us the full scope of the Wasteland and its inhabitants, offering satisfying answers to many burning questions along the way.

Redefining Prequel Action in Furiosa

That escape scene is one of the many thrilling action sequences that keep this two-and-a-half-hour movie running on all cylinders – the kind of excitement that helps Furiosa dodge the “we all know where this is headed” problems of other prequels.

Love and Consequences in Furiosa

Despite all its violence – the man quartered by revving motorbikes, the woman tortured at the stake – the driving force of Furiosa is love. The protagonist yearning for her motherland, her unexpected connection with Praetorian Jack, even Dementus’ impulses to rule as he does all spring from a vast emotional landscape.

The Success of Furiosa

Toward the end, when we’re well acquainted with all that’s plagued Furiosa, one character speaks of her with reverence: “That is the darkest of angels, the fifth rider of the apocalypse.” Thanks to this film, we now know how and why Furiosa was forced to become the show-stealer we meet in Fury Road. The miracle here is that Miller and his team have packed in enough eye-popping derring-do, captivating acting, and, yes, heart, to make the next step in her journey feel almost incidental. It helps that they’ve done so much to integrate Furiosa into the larger Mad Max saga. But this is a triumph with enough gut and gumption to stand entirely on its own.