Atlas Review – IGN

AI Commentary in Action: Atlas Review

Brad Peyton’s latest sci-fi action film, Atlas, takes on the challenge of exploring the complex relationship between humanity and artificial intelligence. In a world where AI technology has turned against its creators, Atlas manages to avoid the clichés of AI-driven horror stories and instead offers a fresh take on the potential benefits of collaboration with AI. The film, written by Leo Sardarian and Aron Eli Coleite, mixes buddy-comedy elements with a commentary on the positive aspects of AI, creating a unique blend of humor and thought-provoking themes.

The story follows Jennifer Lopez’s character, Atlas Shepherd, an expert analyst working for the International Coalition of Nations (ICN) in a future where robots have rebelled against humanity. Led by the world’s first AI terrorist, Harlan (played by Simu Liu), the rogue automatons pose a significant threat to the world. Atlas joins a specialized ICN team on a mission to stop Harlan and prevent a catastrophic event.

Initially, Atlas may seem like a typical AI dystopian narrative, with menacing killer robots and apocalyptic scenarios. However, as the story unfolds, Peyton introduces a more nuanced perspective on AI-human relationships. The film emphasizes the idea of coexistence and regulated oversight, portraying friendly mechs working in harmony with their human partners. This shift in tone challenges the typical portrayal of AI as a destructive force and offers a more optimistic view of the future.

One of the standout aspects of Atlas is the relationship between Atlas and the AI entity Smith, voiced by Gregory James Cohan. Lopez’s performance as Atlas, initially skeptical of AI technology, evolves as she forms a bond with Smith throughout their journey. Despite the limitations of one-half of the duo not being able to feel emotions, their interactions are authentic and emotionally engaging, adding depth to the story.

Visually, Atlas delivers impressive action sequences and sleek CGI animation that enhance the futuristic setting of the film. The design of the mech suits and the dynamic camera work during the high-octane battles contribute to the overall excitement of the movie. While the offworld landscapes may not be groundbreaking, Peyton’s direction and visual style elevate the production value of Atlas.

Despite some clichéd elements in the script and performances, Jennifer Lopez’s strong presence and charisma drive the film forward. Her portrayal of Atlas as a resilient and relatable character adds depth to the narrative, making Atlas a compelling and entertaining sci-fi experience.