How to kill Titans in Attack on Titan Revolution

Titans can be intimidating at first when playing Attack on Titan Revolution, but with the right tactics, you can quickly learn how to take them down efficiently.

Tips to Quickly Kill Titans in Attack on Titan Revolution

Mastering technique, timing, and practice are key to becoming adept at taking down Titans in Attack on Titan Revolution. Here are some simple tips to follow:

Aiming is Everything

When targeting Titans, many players make the mistake of aiming incorrectly. While the neck and legs are weak points, hitting them effectively is crucial. Titans do not actually have a neck, so it’s important to adjust your aim accordingly. The best spot to aim for is between the mouth and the top of the chest, delivering a fatal blow to the Titan’s neck.

Image: ct_pty/YouTube

If attacking from behind, aim for the nape of the neck just above the shoulders, as it has a large hitbox. With practice, you can consistently hit this target, eliminating the Titan efficiently without the need to fly around it.

Check Your Attack on Titan Revolution Settings

Optimizing your settings can greatly enhance your Titan-slaying abilities in Attack on Titan Revolution. Make sure to adjust the following settings:

  • Hook Assist – Automatically positions your hooks for precise targeting.
  • Hook Detach – Releases your hook after defeating a Titan for easier movement between targets.
  • Nape Assist – Helps your hooks attach to the Titans’ vulnerable nape or back of the neck.
  • Camera Shake – Keep this setting off to avoid unnecessary distractions from camera movement.
Settings Attack On Titan Revolution
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Technique for Playing Attack on Titan Revolution

Utilize these general tips and tricks to enhance your Titan-killing skills:

  • Always use your boost – Speed is your advantage for quickly navigating levels and defeating Titans.
  • Click earlier than you think you should – Perfect your timing by clicking sooner than expected to improve your attack precision.
  • Use all the movement – Take advantage of vertical movement with W and S in addition to side-to-side movement with A and D.

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