New and improved hero and facet stats! – DOTABUFF

Hello gamers! We’ve been working hard on some major improvements to Dotabuff and we’re thrilled to announce the first update is finally here. Our team has been focused on enhancing the hero and facet statistics page, and we can’t wait for you to check out all the new features!

What’s Included in the Update?

Let’s dive into what you can expect from the updated hero and facet statistics page:

1. Facet Support: Facets are now integrated into our hero statistics, allowing you to compare different play styles with ease. This addition is incredibly valuable for understanding the game-changing aspects of Dota and making strategic decisions during drafts.

2. New Statistics: We’ve added a range of new data points to the hero stats page, including damage breakdowns, healing metrics, economy details, and vision statistics. These comprehensive stats give you a deeper insight into hero performance, empowering you to make more informed decisions both in-game and out.

3. Advanced Custom Filters: Customize your analysis with our improved filters, allowing you to sort statistics based on date range, game mode, rank tier, and position. Tailoring your data to meet your specific needs has never been easier!

4. Meta Tiers and Summary View: Stay up to date with the current meta using our new Meta Snapshot tab. This feature highlights popular heroes, win rates, and key trends in hero performance. The addition of “Meta Tiers” categorizes heroes based on their standing in the meta, helping you identify strong picks and underperforming heroes.

5. Intuitive and Interactive Experience: Our redesigned page offers a more user-friendly and interactive experience, despite the increased complexity of the data. We want you to effortlessly navigate through the wealth of information available.

Exciting Updates on the Horizon

We didn’t anticipate releasing this update just yet, but when Valve introduced hero facets in patch 7.36, we knew we had to share these enhancements with you. While this release may not be perfect, we’re continuously working on refining this feature and have more updates in the pipeline. We appreciate your patience as we strive to deliver the best possible experience.

Explore the New Features

Head over to our enhanced Hero and Facet statistics page today and start exploring all the valuable data at your disposal. We believe this page will be an indispensable tool on your journey to reach Immortal rank. Thank you for being part of the Dotabuff community, and stay tuned for more exciting updates and features!