What Are You Playing This Weekend? (22nd June)

In-Depth Look at Recent Gameplay Achievements and Enjoyable Titles

Recently, I was able to achieve a breakthrough in my gameplay experience with Tears of the Kingdom, running smoothly at 60fps with minimal glitches. This accomplishment has kept me glued to my screen, making it difficult to tear myself away for other activities like hiking or work. The immersive experience of playing TOTK at 60fps is truly a dream come true for me.

On top of that, I also managed to get Demon’s Souls running at an impressive 144fps, adding another layer of excitement to my gaming sessions. In addition to these standout titles, I have been exploring a variety of games such as Perfect Dark, Wipeout Phantom Edition, Dusk 82, Fitness Boxing Fist of the North Star, Jump Rope Challenge, Jumping Flash 1 and 2, Choro Q 2, Parodius, BOTW, New Super Mario Bros Wii, Wipeout 3, The Big Catch, Spriggan, and Super Star Soldier.

For entertainment beyond gaming, I have been following Dammit Jeff and AlwaysBetOnDunc on YouTube. Jeff’s friendly demeanor reminds me of someone I know, while Dunc’s wit and political commentary add a unique perspective to the gaming content I consume.

Switching gears, my current tea of the week is the delightful Yunnan Gold Tip from Teance, offering a rich and flavorful black tea experience. And to complement my gaming sessions, the song of the week for me is “Ageless Beauty” by Stars.

As I continue to dive into these gaming experiences and expand my entertainment horizons, I wish everyone happy gaming and lots of love!