Ico TV/Movie Adaptation Reportedly Pitched to Sony

Rumor Circulates About Potential TV/Movie Adaptation of PS2 Classic, Ico

Reports have surfaced recently suggesting that a TV or movie adaptation of the beloved PlayStation 2 game, Ico, was pitched to Sony. It remains uncertain whether this pitch developed into anything concrete, but it has definitely piqued the interest of fans who hold Ico close to their hearts. The proposal was reportedly submitted to PlayStation Productions, the team dedicated to bringing PlayStation’s iconic intellectual properties to the big screen.

Previous Consideration of an Ico Adaptation

Speculations about a potential Ico adaptation stem from insights shared by Michael Huber on the EasyAllies podcast. According to Huber, a close associate pitched the idea of transforming Ico into a movie or a television series to Sony because the game was among the titles they were interested in exploring for visual media adaptations.

Surprisingly, this isn’t the first instance where the concept of an Ico adaptation has been floated. Misher Films, the same production company behind the ill-fated Shadow of the Colossus movie project, expressed interest in potentially creating an Ico film if their work on Shadow of the Colossus proved successful. Unfortunately, both projects failed to materialize, leaving fans of these classic games longing for a cinematic experience.

If the recent rumors hold true, it appears that Sony still harbors some interest in exploring the world of Ico through a different medium.

Ico holds a special place in the hearts of many gamers and is often hailed as one of the finest titles in the PlayStation catalog. Despite the disbandment of its developer, Japan Studio, in 2021, and director Fumito Ueda’s departure from Sony in 2011 to establish his own studio, GenDesign, the legacy of Ico continues to endure.