Nintendo has a plan to combat potential Switch 2 resellers – simply make enough of its next console

During Nintendo’s 84th annual shareholder meeting, company president Shuntaro Furukawa was asked about measures to prevent resellers from affecting the availability of the Nintendo Switch 2.

As outlined in the recently released shareholder Q&A document, a shareholder inquired about the “resale measures for the Nintendo Switch successor.” They mentioned that discussions on implementing measures took place at the previous year’s meeting and were curious if any actions were being taken.

In response, Furukawa emphasized the importance of producing a sufficient number of units to meet customer demand as the primary countermeasure against resellers. He reaffirmed that this approach has remained consistent since last year.

Furthermore, Furukawa mentioned, “we will also consider regional circumstances and make decisions within legal limits. We are currently evaluating possible countermeasures in this area.”

He highlighted that the situation has improved since the global semiconductor shortage that affected hardware availability for products like the Nintendo Switch and PlayStation 5 in late 2020 and 2021. With the chipset shortage resolving, Furukawa expressed confidence that supply chain issues would not significantly impact production moving forward.

While the effectiveness of this strategy remains to be seen, Furukawa’s comments should provide some comfort to consumers concerned about potential inflated prices for the upcoming Nintendo Switch 2.

Nintendo has confirmed plans to announce a successor to the Nintendo Switch within this fiscal year, indicating a possible full reveal in the near future.