Are you on the hunt for the Grave Markers in Elder Scrolls Online Necrom? Look no further, as we have the complete guide for you here.
With the purchase of the Necrom DLC, you gain access to the Tevlanni region and the exploration-based achievement, Grave Discoveries. This achievement requires players to find a total of 7 Weathered Gravestones and examine their markers scattered across the Tevlanni zone. The markers, however, are hidden in secret locations, making them even harder to spot. But don’t worry, we’ve got your back with the locations for all 7 Grave Markers in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO). So, without further ado, here’s where to find them:
Where to Find the Grave Markers in ESO (Grave Discoveries Achievement)

- Sunvys Golsathyn Gravestone – Inside a rock structure on a small island
- Savienie Mavlyn Gravestone – Inside a small cave
- Elovul Alarndil Gravestone – Between giant rocks on a small island
- Favami Seravel Gravestone – Behind a broken wall
- Triys Rehlo Gravestone – In a passage between two mountains
- Dayldela Gilrom Gravestone – Behind rock formation
- Aralos Sarvrothi Gravestone – Next to a giant wall of rock
To complete the Necrom Exploration Achievement in ESO Necrom, find all 7 Gravestones and examine their Grave Markers. Once you reach any of the Grave Marker locations, look out for them in the structures mentioned above. Upon finding one, press the prompt button and examine the Grave Marker.
Achieving the Grave Discoveries is a part of the “Traveler of Strange Roads” Necrom Achievement in ESO. Unlock the Traveler of Strange Roads after completing the following 4 Exploration Achievements:
- Grave Discoveries Achievement
- Syzygy
- Tomes of Unknown Color
- Pulled from the Depths
Complete the Traveler of Strange Roads achievement to receive a Shroomtender Sash style Outfit.
Thanks to Game Guides Channel for creating a video guide on the Grave Markers. Check it out below.
{insert YouTube embed here}
We hope our guide was helpful in finding all the Grave Markers in Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Necrom. If you’re new to the game, we have plenty of helpful content on Gamer Tweak to assist you. Visit us for more tips and tricks.
Source: Gamer Tweak. Visit Elder Scrolls Online Necrom Grave Marker Locations for more information.