Best Healer in Genshin Impact (Revised 2023)

Assessing the Capabilities of Healers in Genshin Impact

As Genshin Impact continues to evolve, new characters are added to the game, which makes it crucial to have an objective assessment of all the healers. In this article, we’ll analyze the healers’ capabilities within preset parameters to determine the best healer in Genshin Impact.

The Parameters

To calculate healing, we’ll use the following formula: (((the ability percent multiplier of stat + level-variable constant) x Healing Bonus) x Incoming Healing Bonus), and we’ll do away with the Healing Bonuses for the comparison. The base calculation is also listed in the Skill Attribute page on the character’s Talent menu. Since different healers have different stat bases, we’ll use values of 40,000 HP, 2,000 ATK, and 2,000 DEF for calculations, as these values are easily obtainable even at character level 70 if you use triple HP%, ATK%, or DEF% artifacts. Otherwise, specific artifact sets can help achieve those values.

The Calculations

We’ll go through each character’s healing methods and calculate their potential for recovery. The healing is categorized as single-target (on-field character only) or multiple (party-wide), and the latter adds an x4 multiplier since it heals everyone in the party. We’ll use the values of the ability’s level 10 attribute scaling, and only consider healing that is not affected by constellations.

Sangonomiya Kokomi

Her Kurage’s Oath provides about 28,700 HP recovered with seven healing ticks. Nereid’s Ascension, on the other hand, can heal party-wide, which results in 44,940 HP. Total Healing (Skill+Burst) is 73,640 HP.


His Universal Diagnosis heals for 29,820 HP, while Holistic Revivification provides 29,076 HP for one target. Total Healing is 58,896 HP.


Fantastic Voyage lasts 12 seconds, and his total healing potential is 67,080 HP.


Skyfeather Song provides 45,356 HP, while Eagleplume heals 13,602 HP for the on-field character. Total Healing is 58,958 HP.


Signature Mix provides 29,814 HP for the on-field character, while her Burst heals 37,296 HP for one target. Total Healing is 67,110 HP.


Alcazarzaray’s Exactitude heals for 37,296 HP for one target. Total Healing is 37,296 HP.

Kuki Shinobu

Sanctifying Ring recovers 22,368 HP for the on-field character. Total Healing is 22,368 HP.


Raphanus Sky Cluster can heal for 31,990 HP in a single-target scenario, while Moonjade Descent provides 120,256 HP in a party-wide scenario. Burst (modified) can heal for 30,064 HP, while Passive with modified Burst can heal for 6,400 HP. Total Healing is 68,454 HP.


Her Let the Show Begin provides 14,908 HP for the on-field character; her Regen per Hit of NA is 19,572 HP, and Regen per hit of CA is the same as above. Shining Miracle can heal for 65,596 HP recovered. Total Healing is 80,504 HP.


Dandelion Breeze can provide 49,724 HP in a party-wide scenario, while Continuous Regen per second can heal for 12,420 HP for a single on-field character. Wind Companion can heal for 7,200 HP. Total Healing is 69,344 HP.


Adeptus Art: Herald of Frost provides 13,988 HP for the on-field character, while Regen on NA hit heals 528 HP. Adeptus Art: Preserver of Fortune recovers 15,430 HP. Total Healing is 29,618 HP.

In conclusion, healing is an essential aspect of Genshin Impact, and each character has unique healing capabilities. By calculating each character’s potential for recovery, we’ve determined that Barbara has the highest Total Healing, providing 80,504 HP. However, different scenarios require different healers, so weigh your options before choosing a character to heal your team.