Grant Kirkhope Appears To Have Completed His Work On Mario + Rabbids

Image: Nintendo, Ubisoft

Famous composer Grant Kirkhope, responsible for soundtracks of games like GoldenEye 007, Banjo-Kazooie, and Donkey Kong 64, appears to have completed his work for Mario with Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope. He wrote on social media early last month that he felt his time writing music for Mario had come to an end after 8 years, and he concluded by saying he would “miss” Nintendo’s iconic character. If you’re a Kirkhope fan and appreciate his work for Mario and Rabbids, you can share your thoughts in the comments section.

According to last month’s teaser from Ubisoft, the second Sparks of Hope DLC, called The Last Spark Hunter, will be followed later this year with a third DLC featuring Ubisoft’s popular character Rayman. Aside from his work on Sparks of Hope, Kirkhope also produced music for the original Mario + Rabbids game and composed the music for the Banjo-Kazooie fighter update in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.

We are uncertain of Mario + Rabbids’ future beyond Sparks of Hope. Earlier this year, Ubisoft expressed disappointment over the sales of the entry and several other games like Just Dance 2023 despite receiving “excellent ratings” and ambitious marketing. Fans of this game and its soundtrack must wait to see what happens next.