Human Fall Flat 2 announced with a suitably chaotic reveal trailer

New Game, New Level: Devolver Digital Announces Human Fall Flat 2

Devolver Digital recently announced that Human Fall Flat 2 is in the works. The game is set to be bigger, better, and clumsier according to No Brakes Games, the team behind the popular physics-based game. And with a release date yet to be scheduled, players should expect the game to be available on PC and all major console platforms. 

What’s the Game About?

Equal parts construction and destruction is at the core of Human: Fall Flat 2’s gameplay. The goal is to complete difficult platform challenges. But unlike other platformer games, the developers have introduced new physics-based mechanics that make the gameplay more challenging and exciting.

What’s New With Human: Fall Flat 2?

No Brakes Games has promised to offer a gaming experience that pioneers the first release. Human: Fall Flat 2 features a brand new physics engine, ensuring that the platforming mechanic is more accurate and challenging.

Who is Behind Human: Fall Flat 2?

Devolver Digital has taken the publishing reins over from the original publisher Curve Games.

Player Reviews and Expectations

The first Human: Fall Flat was well-received, gaining positive reviews around the world, and currently has a 70 Metacritic score by critics, and an average user score of 7.5. Steam users describe the game as “very positive.” Meanwhile, the development team recently released Copper World Quest in March 2023, the latest free downloadable content that features 23 new levels.