Phil Spencer Shares How Xbox Game Pass Differs From Netflix

Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass has been gaining attention for its vast library of games and day-one releases. However, Xbox head Phil Spencer was recently questioned about concerns regarding the struggles faced by the TV streaming industry. In an interview with The Guardian, Spencer highlighted a key difference between Game Pass and Netflix.

Spencer pointed out that the number of games available on Game Pass is significantly higher than the number of unique videos on Netflix. He emphasized that Game Pass does not aim to inundate users with an overwhelming amount of content. Instead, the focus is on providing high-quality games that meet players’ expectations. Spencer believes that Game Pass offers players the opportunity to try something new without incurring significant costs. Success indicators for Game Pass include subscriber numbers and whether creators continue to support the platform.

While both services offer streaming options, one distinction is that Xbox Game Pass also allows for game streaming via the cloud, although local downloads are more common. Netflix, on the other hand, focuses primarily on streaming TV shows and films, although certain content can be downloaded for offline viewing on compatible devices.

Spencer recently made several appearances following the Xbox Games Showcase, where he discussed Microsoft’s plans for Xbox Series X|S, Game Pass, and PC. He clarified that there are no immediate plans for a new Xbox or mid-generation upgrade. Additionally, he addressed how the upcoming game Starfield will generate revenue despite its day-and-date release on Game Pass. Spencer also urged people not to read too much into his choice of t-shirts.

While Microsoft continues to push the Game Pass model, other gaming companies, like Sony, are taking a different approach. Sony reiterated that it does not intend to release new games, such as Spider-Man 2, on its PS Plus service.