How to get Shikai in Type Soul

The Anime-Inspired Game: Type Soul

Type Soul, a thrilling Roblox game, draws its inspiration from the beloved anime Bleach. This expansive open-world RPG allows players to immerse themselves in the captivating universe and assume the roles of Hollow, Soul Reaper, or Quincy. Each class comes with its own unique progression trees and objectives, offering a multitude of fascinating content to explore. Within the anime, Soul Reapers have the ability to tap into an inner power called Shikai, which grants them enhanced strength and deadliness. Here, we will guide you on how to unlock Shikai in Type Soul.

How to Obtain Shikai

Screenshot: Type Soul

First and foremost, it is essential to note that the power of Shikai is exclusively available to Soul Reapers. To become a Soul Reaper, you must perish upon entering the game and transform into a Spirit. Once you embrace your spirit form, you are required to seek out another Soul Reaper who will initiate you into their ranks and grant you access to this extraordinary ability.

To acquire your Shikai in Type Soul, you need to reach grade 2. Engage in battles, vanquishing Hollow creatures and engaging with other players to quickly ascend the ranks. It won’t take you long to achieve grade 2 status within the game. Alternatively, you can partake in missions scattered across the maps to accumulate enough XP for a level-up.

Upon reaching grade 2, dedicate an hour to meditation. Split your meditation into three intervals of 20 minutes each. Feel free to schedule your meditation sessions at your convenience; they don’t have to be completed all at once. As long as each session lasts a minimum of 20 minutes in Type Soul, it will contribute towards your goal of unlocking Shikai.

Once you initiate your fourth meditation session, the Shikai mission will commence. In this mission, you must conquer and vanquish your own Shikai to harness its formidable powers. Failure to defeat your Shikai in Type Soul requires you to wait for an hour before attempting the mission again. Once unlocked, you can activate your Shikai by pressing the J key while your sword is drawn.

For a look at the top Shikai options in Type Soul, check out our comprehensive guide here.