Futurama Season 11 Review – IGN

Season 11 of Futurama premieres on Hulu

Let’s not underestimate the profound themes of destruction and rebirth that have always been central to Futurama, the offbeat animated comedy set in the 30th century. The show, known for its spectacular sci-fi visions, has experienced multiple cancellations and miraculous revivals throughout its history. Now, after a decade-long hiatus, Futurama is back for an improbable fourth life on Hulu. Despite some changes and a slightly diminished version of itself, the show continues to endure and maintain its distinct identity.

Hulu’s premiere episode of Season 11, titled “The Impossible Stream,” cleverly addresses the show’s revival and satirizes the cutthroat streaming era. Additionally, it parodies a certain modern, technology-obsessed descendant of The Twilight Zone through its show-within-a-show, The Scary Door. The episode also introduces a thought-provoking science-fiction concept: a device that allows users to unconsciously binge-watch weeks’ worth of TV, resulting in a content coma.

Futurama’s formula hasn’t changed much over the years. It still combines light jabs at modern life with witty sci-fi parodies and relies on its beloved, unchanging characters. Fry remains an earnest dolt, Bender a lovable but selfish robot, and Leela a competent and weary voice of reason. Despite the characters’ consistency, the show explores their evolving lives and relationships, allowing for character development and satisfying resolutions.

The targets of Futurama’s satire have shifted in Season 11, addressing the streaming revolution, crypto gold rush, and topical issues like anti-vaccine hysteria and cancel culture. Episodes like “Related to Items You’ve Viewed” skillfully expand on the show’s satirical commentary, using MomCorp as a dig at Amazon and exploring themes of factory automation, drone delivery, and virtual assistants.

While Futurama may not reach the same level of one-liner hilarity as its early seasons, the show remains consistently funny and engaging. Its intermittent revivals have helped maintain its cult following and creative freshness. And although the show may eventually face cancellation again, fans can expect its triumphant return in the future.

Verdict: Futurama’s fourth revival on Hulu shows promise with its clever satire and enduring appeal.