Best locations for Lithium in Subnautica

Lithium is a valuable resource in the game Subnautica as it is used to craft important items like Plasteel Ingots. In this guide, we will explore the best locations to find lithium in the game.

Where to Find Lithium in Subnautica

Lithium can be found in various locations throughout the game, except for Kelp Forests and Safe Shallows. It is commonly found along the ground in other areas.

Additionally, you can obtain lithium by breaking Shale outcrops, which can be found in various locations except for the Safe Shallows and Kelp Forests. If you have a Prawn Suit with a drill, large ore deposits containing lithium can be easily found.

Related: How to get Stalker Teeth in Subnautica

Lithium 2

Lithium found on a tree in the Mushroom Forest. Screenshot by PC Invasion

Based on my recommendations, the best locations to find lithium in Subnautica are the Mushroom Forests, Mountains, Mountain Island Caves, or The Lost River. Among these options, the Mushroom Forest is the safest and easiest to navigate. It is usually found near the Grassy Plateau biomes with red seagrass, making it hard to miss. However, the Mountains and Lost River areas are more treacherous and require careful preparation. These locations are best explored with a Seamoth as they are filled with dangerous enemies. The Mushroom Forest, on the other hand, can be swum into alone. Keep an eye out for Ampeels and Bonesharks, but the Ampeel is easily identifiable due to its glowing electricity.

If all else fails, you can stick to the Grassy Plateau and search the seafloor or walls for lithium. However, be prepared to encounter Sand Sharks. But if you have the means to venture into the more challenging biomes or the Mushroom Forest, I highly recommend farming for lithium there.